Answered step-by-step
Question 1 In the United States, murder trials may require a…

Question 1

In the United States, murder trials may require a special jury, the one made up of people

  a. with authoritarian personality traits.
  b. who are opposed to the death penalty.
  c. who may or may not be opposed to the death penalty.
  d. who are not opposed to the death penalty.



Question 2

Lonnie is filling out a job application, and the final question on the form asks him to describe a time in his past that he felt poorly treated by others. Lonnie’s response is an example of his

  a. aptitude testing.
  b. critical incidents.
  c. biodata.
  d. vocational interests.



Question 3

Which of the following is the best example of job satisfaction?

  a. Honsai enjoys his duties at work, feels like he has the necessary abilities to succeed, and is expecting a raise.
  b. Lena feels fairly rewarded for her work, enjoys her supervisors, and likes the tasks she is assigned.
  c. Melanie is hoping for a raise for doing a good job because she knows her skills are superior to the other workers in her area.
  d. Joanne is working a job that has flexible hours, feels that her coworkers are happy, and is comfortable staying where she is at in her abilities.



Question 4

Which evaluation is most likely to reveal employee strengths and weaknesses?

  a. in-basket test
  b. 360-degree feedback
  c. situational judgment test
  d. leaderless group discussion



Question 5

According to the textbook, in terms of following a job description, which of the following people are likely to best fit in within their organizational culture?

  a. I delegate my menial duties to others.
  b. I follow my assigned duties without question.
  c. I ask my supervisor to clarify my assigned duties.
  d. I go beyond my assigned duties.



Question 6

Which of the following statements relates to the term social norms marketing?

  a. a persuasion technique that seeks to change attitudes by making explicit, relevant social norms in order to foster compliance
  b. a view that seeks to study attitudes by making implicit relevant social norms in order to foster future compliance
  c. a technique that seeks to study attitudes by making explicit relevant social norms
  d. an ideology that seeks out attitudes by making explicit relevant social norms for conservation purpose



Question 7

Gano uses a website to monitor his consumption of fossil fuels and the amount of greenhouse gases that are released by the fuel’s production and use. Gano is using the website to calculate his

  a. ecological footprint.
  b. environmental assessment.
  c. carbon footprint.
  d. environmental footprint.



Question 8

Why do psychologists watch for authoritarian traits in a potential juror?

  a. They are more or less likely to be biased but with a strong opinion.
  b. They influence other jurors in the jury.
  c. They are likely to influence the judgment negatively.
  d. They are more likely to vote for conviction.



Question 9

Making a job more personally rewarding, interesting, or intrinsically motivating refers to

  a. job enrichment.
  b. job analysis.
  c. management by objectives.
  d. job satisfaction.



Question 10

Which of the following is the best example of an in-basket test?

  a. Explain how this procedure violates company’s safety standards.
  b. Read this stack of memos and propose a course of action.
  c. Describe a time when you disagreed with your supervisor’s instructions.
  d. Describe what motivates you to succeed in a new job.



Question 11

Which of the following is the best example of engaging in impression management?

  a. Amanda dresses professionally before speaking with a recruiter.
  b. Quentin explains to his children that athletic aptitude is valued.
  c. Elizabeth diplomatically responds to workplace disputes.
  d. Lauren works hard at a prestigious law school.



Question 12

Which is the first point to be followed for optimal skill learning, according to sports studies?

  a. observing and imitating a skilled model
  b. practicing natural units then breaking the task into artificial parts
  c. getting feedback from a mirror
  d. learning verbal rules to back up motor learning



Question 13

Which is the definition of forensic psychology?

  a. study of scientific evidence used by lawmakers
  b. study of DNA evidence presented during trials
  c. study of clinical aspects of the law
  d. study of juries and their behavior



Question 14

Noise-battered children suffer from a serious handicap called a state of

  a. sensory overload.
  b. cognitive overload.
  c. crowding stress.
  d. learned helplessness.



Question 15

Tyne is taking over her family’s auto repair business and wants to emphasize human relations with her employees. Tyne has a person orientation rather than a task orientation and believes that her employees enjoy autonomy, are willing to accept responsibility, and have needs and goals that can be meshed with her business’s goals. Tyne doesn’t ask her employees to be directly involved in decision-making or problem solving. Tyne’s approach to leadership favors

  a. Theory Y leadership methods.
  b. shared leadership methods.
  c. Theory X leadership methods.
  d. transformational leadership methods.



Question 16

What is meant by attentional overload?

  a. A stressful condition caused when sensory stimulation, information, and social contacts make excessive demands on attention
  b. A stressful condition caused when sensory stimulation, information, and social contacts make no demands on attention
  c. A stressful condition caused when crowding overstimulates and loss of privacy makes no demands on attention
  d. A stressful condition caused when sensory stimulation and stressful and intrusive noise make demands on attention



Question 17

According to the United Nations, what is the estimated global population in 2050?

  a. 10 billion
  b. 7.5 billion
  c. 12 billion
  d. 15 billion



Question 18

Suppose Tiffany is quite skilled at assessing body cues, such as those which indicate whether someone is interested in a topic. Based solely on this information, Tiffany is most likely to be skilled at which of the following?

  a. teamwork
  b. problem solving
  c. communication
  d. leadership



Question 19

Which of the following is a stressful and intrusive sound, usually artificially generated?

  a. house noise
  b. noise pollution
  c. crowd noise
  d. proxemics



Question 20

Kannita is browsing an internet job site and applies for a job with the following description: “Duties include conducting the testing, selection, placement, and promotion of employees at our technology-focused research and development laboratory.” It is likely that Kannita applied for a job in

  a. participative management.
  b. organizational culture development.
  c. personnel psychology.
  d. job enrichment.