Answered step-by-step
QUESTION 1 When the potential risks of a study are not greater than…


When the potential risks of a study are not greater than the risks someone experiences in their everyday life or during routine exams, it is considered  __________.


minimal risk


beneficial risk


minor risk


acceptable risk


Informed consent documents must include all of the following EXCEPT…


an explanation for why deception is used in the study (if any)


whom participants can contact with questions


a description of who will have access to the participant’s data


an estimate of how long the study is expected to take



Which ethics code was most directly influenced by the trials of the Nazi doctors who performed unethical experiments?


Belmont report


Nuremberg code


Common Rule


Helsinki declaration



Read the following scenario and identify which ethical principle is most clearly violated:
Jolene works as a correctional officer at a prison. She hears about a new study being conducted where the inmates will have the opportunity to participate in a research study in return for a small amount of money being put into their commissary account for purchasing items. The prisoners will not face any consequences or harassment if they choose not to participate. The study will help researchers test a new antidepressant that is expected to become available to the general public next year, assuming the study goes well. There are no major risks associated with the drug. However, the prisoners will not have access to the treatment once the study is over. Which ethical principle is being most clearly violated as a result of the inmates’ eventual lack of access to the treatment?


Respecting people’s rights and dignity


Weighing risks against benefits


Acting responsibly and with integrity


Seeking justice



Read the following scenario and identify which ethical principle is most clearly violated:
Dr. Garfield is conducting a study on the efficacy of a new drug to treat brain cancer. The study will require testing responses in 500 laboratory rats. At the end of the study, the rats will be euthanized so that their brains can be examined. However, this drug has actually already been found to be highly effective for treating brain cancer in many very similar studies. It is unclear what Dr. Garfield’s study will add to scientists’ understanding of the drug. Which ethical principle is being most clearly violated due to the expected requirements and conclusions of the study?


Respecting people’s rights and dignity


Weighing risks against benefits


Seeking justice


Acting responsibly and with integrity



Read the following scenario and identify which ethical principle is most clearly violated:
Dr. Driver is collecting data in an online study where participants fill out a survey about their preferences for different types of food. Participants receive $20 compensation in return for their participation. Dr. Driver is able to collect the data for free using the survey platform DataDump. DataDump saves all of the responses from participants who take surveys on the platform and sells them to big food companies. Neither Dr. Driver nor the participants know about DataDump’s data practices. Which ethical principle is being most clearly violated as a result of the data selling?


Weighing risks against benefits


Seeking justice


Acting responsibly and with integrity


Respecting people’s rights and dignity



Deception CAN be used in research if…


they get debriefed afterwards, no matter what the deception was about.


the alternatives that don’t require deception are more expensive.


the participants never find out that they were tricked.


the deception does not misinform participants about the risk of physical or psychological harm.



Which of these is NOT a way to minimize risk in a study?


Pre-screen participants to detect individuals with specific characteristics that may be used to exclude them from the study.


Add another independent variable to the design so that the results will be more useful.


Replace a very stressful task with a more enjoyable task.


Store signed consent forms in a different location than participants’ data.



Who is responsible for the approval of proposed research studies using human participants?


U.S. Food & Drug Administration


Office for Human Research Protections


U.S. Department of Health and Human Services


Institutional Review Board



Researchers must consider the risks and benefits of a study…


to participants and themselves.


to society only.


to participants, scientists, and society.


to the participants only.