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Question 1 Which of the following is NOT a way in which age-based…

Question 1
Which of the following is NOT a way in which age-based changes in neurological processing affect cognitive functioning in middle adulthood?

A. Middle-aged drivers have more lapses of concentration and make poorer judgments than younger drivers.

B. Difficult cognitive tasks, such as recalling non-associated words (i.e., fish-bicycle), require the activation of larger areas of the brain than easy tasks.

C. Cognitive tasks activate a larger area of brain tissue in middle-aged adults than they do in younger adults.

D. Middle-aged adults may have less ability to control attentional processes by inhibiting brain responses to irrelevant stimuli.
estion 2
Psychiatrist George Vaillant proposed several amendments to Erikson’s life stage theory. Vaillant suggested the inclusion of a new stage called “career consolidation.” In this new stage, what does the term “career” mean?

A. It means an adult’s “primary” work only and the meaning, satisfaction, and commitment derived from it.

B. It means an adult’s primary work and the social network that stems from that work.

C. It means an adult’s primary work and other options such as parental leave, sabbaticals, paid vacations etc.

D. It has a broad definition of choices as long as a social network is created that helps an individual to meet their psychosocial needs.
Question 3
What does the term sandwich generation refer to?

A. mid-life childless couples whose career demands conflict with their desire to spend time with their family

B. middle-aged adults who provide assistance to both their children and their aging parents

C. middle-aged workers who find themselves trapped between dissatisfaction with their job and financial obligations to their family

D. two-income families where the family members’ busy schedules mean that meals are seldom eaten together as a family
Question 4
What do experts believe causes the menstrual irregularity associated with the premenopausal phase of menopause?

A. hot flashes

B. fluctuations in estrogen production

C. decreased progesterone

D. stress and fatigue
Question 5
Which of the following applies to middle adulthood marriages?

A. more dissatisfied compared to those of young adults

B. less conflicted than those of young adults

C. more passionate compared to those of young adults

D. more distant compared to those of young adults

Question 6
The pattern of adult children leaving the parental home but returning again to live with parents is a social phenomenon known as

A. the cramped nest

B. the revolving door

C. the empty nest

D. Peter Paning
Question 7
According to experts, which of the following is the best explanation for the cognitive and emotional effects of perimenopause, such as feelings of emotional instability or mental confusion?

A. changes in sex drive

B. loss of blood caused by menstrual flooding

C. lack of sleep as a result of hot flashes

D. depression due to bodily changes

Question 8
Of the following, which individual might be expected to experience earlier or larger intellectual declines?

A. Mr. Jones, age 70 years, who has taken medication for high blood pressure for 20 years.

B. Mrs. Green, age 65 years, who has recently been diagnosed with breast cancer.

C. Mrs. Anderson, age 50 years, who is in the postmenopausal phase.

D. Mr. Brown, age 50 years, who has been warned by his physician to lose 10 kilograms.
Question 9
__________________appears to be what most people look for to judge whether their marriages are satisfactory.

A. relationship quality

B. dividing labour

C. having an adequate income

D. material aspects
Question 10
During career transitions, involuntary and voluntary career changers are likely to have all of the following experiences in common EXCEPT

A. anxiety and depression

B. reduction in income

C. increased stress

D. sense of control over the situation
Question 11
Which of the following is the best example of the sandwich generation?

A. When Bill was in college he lived with grandfather who had begun to experience failing health.

B. In addition to working full-time, Mr. and Mrs. Ross take care of a grandchild while the child’s parent works, and they also provide a home for Mrs. Ross’ mother who has arthritis and diabetes.

C. Elena Martinez would like to quit her present job and start her own restaurant, but she is afraid that such a financial risk might jeopardize her ability to provide for her children.

D. Vermajit Punjab is a successful investment counsellor whose career obligations and responsibilities conflict with his desire to spend more time with his young children.
Question 12
Middle-aged adults have higher rates of _________________than young adults.

A. chronic illnesses

B. acute illnesses

C. major depression

D. accidents