Answered step-by-step
Question 15 pts   Remember that “communication” model from…

Question 15 pts


Remember that “communication” model from Chapter 1?  Of COURSE you do!

Correctly label each component of the communication model.

(Hint: one of my students once guessed that “e” was “puddle on floor.”  It is NOT, it is a blue arrow pointing back at tiny-head guy)

a. , b. , c. , d.  , e.



Flag question: Question 2Question 21 pts


Jerry has recently learned to ride a bike, but he still falls off about every other day.  This is an example of:

Group of answer choices

Unconscious incompetence


Conscious incompetence


Conscious competence


Unconscious competence



Flag question: Question 3Question 31 pts


  “Roman Catholic” or “Baptist” is an example of which of the following demographic:

Group of answer choices



Group affiliation




Generational culture



Flag question: Question 4Question 41 pts


Why is it important, if you’re going to pass something out during a speech, to do it last?



Flag question: Question 5Question 51 pts


Ethics come from:

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Flag question: Question 6Question 61 pts


To use appropriate language in a speech, the speaker must:

Group of answer choices

Achieve a level of formality appropriate to the context


Avoid jargon, slang and profanity


Avoid biased, derogatory, or stereotypical comments


All of the above


A and B only



Flag question: Question 7Question 71 pts


When Julie argues that we should not listen to Jerome’s ideas for immigration reform because, “He’s just a right-wing idiot!” she is probably guilty of what persuasive fallacy?

Group of answer choices

Circular reasoning


Slippery slope


Ad hominem


Hasty generalization



Flag question: Question 8Question 83 pts


What are the three things that belong in every introduction to every speech?

a. b. c.


Flag question: Question 9Question 91 pts


If you have a distracting vocal mannerism, a good way to get rid of it is to:

Group of answer choices

Clear your throat repeatedly


Speak through clenched teeth


Grip or lean on the podium


Practice behavior modification



Flag question: Question 10Question 101 pts


_____ refers to the messages listeners send back to a speaker while he or she is speaking.

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Flag question: Question 11Question 112 pts


First rule of advertising…C reate a _____________.



Flag question: Question 12Question 121 pts


“Checking details,” “fine tuning,” and “polishing” are components of which phase of creativity?

Group of answer choices










Flag question: Question 13Question 131 pts


Why do y ou r opinions have to be backed up with credible sources when speaking?



Flag question: Question 14Question 141 pts


“Indicate every step of reasoning,” “Cite your sources completely,” “Confront the arguments in their minds,” “Concede minor points,” and “Never stoop to ridicule” are all things you should do to persuade your audience when they are :

Group of answer choices







Blind Drunk



Flag question: Question 15Question 151 pts


Even though a persuasive speaker’s goal is to influence the audience’s beliefs or actions, she or he still has an ethical obligation to present evidence fairly and accurately.

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Flag question: Question 16Question 161 pts


Visualizing success is a method that can relieve some of the anxiety related to public speaking.

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Flag question: Question 17Question 171 pts


The final step in Monroe’s Motivated Sequence is to visualize how much better things will be if the speaker’s plan is adopted.

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Flag question: Question 18Question 181 pts


It’s OK to mispronounce a word in your speech; just keep trying until you get it right.

Group of answer choices






Flag question: Question 19Question 191 pts


Speakers who use the bandwagon technique discourage independent thinking.

Group of answer choices






Flag question: Question 20Question 201 pts


A speaker should not use the phrase, “In summary,” anywhere but in the conclusion.

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Flag question: Question 21Question 211 pts


Presenting a balanced view of pros and cons can add to your image of trustworthiness.

Group of answer choices






Flag question: Question 22Question 221 pts


It is not important to identify and relate to the core values of your audience.

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Flag question: Question 23Question 231 pts


It is not necessary to evaluate the credibility of the authorities you cite when you use testimony as proof.

Group of answer choices






Flag question: Question 24Question 241 pts


To explain a concept clearly, begin with simple examples and move toward more complex ones.

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Flag question: Question 25Question 251 pts


When presenting your credentials in the introduction, it’s OK to brag and/or name drop.

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Flag question: Question 26Question 261 pts


Say you’re giving a speech Why You Should Get Massage Treatments, and you tell the audience how it is an example of being good to yourself and helpful in the quest for spiritual enlightenment. Which level of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs are you appealing to?

Group of answer choices














Flag question: Question 27Question 271 pts


Now you’re speaking on Why You Should Get A College Education, and you tell the audience to imagine how proud they would be to receive a diploma, what a great job they could get with a degree, and how impressed everyone would be. Now what level of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs are you appealing to?

Group of answer choices












Flag question: Question 28Question 281 pts


The next speech is on How Immigration Laws are not Strict Enough. You explain to the audience how all those illegals are “taking our jobs” and gobbling up services meant for “true Americans.” Now you’re appealing to which of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?

Group of answer choices












Flag question: Question 29Question 291 pts


Your speech traces the history of voting in the US from the very beginning of our country until now. Which speech design pattern are you employing?

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Flag question: Question 30Question 306 pts


Name all the ways you can evaluate a website for its usefulness to your speech. (2 pts each correct)

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Flag question: Question 31Question word


“Do you like apple pie, or are you a communist?” This is an example of the logical fallacy known as:

Group of answer choices

Hasty generalization


Straw man


False dichotomy


Slippery slope



Flag question: Question 32Question 321 pts


What kind of reasoning is best reflected by comparing the current “war on drugs” to the prohibition of alcohol during the early twentieth century?

Group of answer choices

Reasoning by analogy






Ad hominem



Flag question: Question 33Question 331 pts


A personal belief that a particular thing is basically good or bad is called _____.

Group of answer choices










Flag question: Question 34Question 341 pts


According to Monroe’s motivated sequence, the visualization step involves _____.

Group of answer choices

Creating a vivid picture of the benefits of agreeing with the speaker


Using a presentation aid effectively


Creating a vivid picture of the dangers of disagreeing with the speaker


A and C only


B only



Flag question: Question 35Question 351 pts


When a speaker tries to discourage independent thinking by making statements like “everyone is investing in this product,” he/she is using which propaganda device?

Group of answer choices



Card stacking




False analogy



Flag question: Question 36Question 366 pts


Match the figurative language with its definition

Group of answer choices


           [ Choose ]             Ridiculous exaggeration             Figurative comparison using like or as             Nonhuman or abstract subjects are given human  qualities             brief form of implied comparison             Words that sound like the subjects they signify             Same consonant begins each word         



           [ Choose ]             Ridiculous exaggeration             Figurative comparison using like or as             Nonhuman or abstract subjects are given human  qualities             brief form of implied comparison             Words that sound like the subjects they signify             Same consonant begins each word         



           [ Choose ]             Ridiculous exaggeration             Figurative comparison using like or as             Nonhuman or abstract subjects are given human  qualities             brief form of implied comparison             Words that sound like the subjects they signify             Same consonant begins each word         



           [ Choose ]             Ridiculous exaggeration             Figurative comparison using like or as             Nonhuman or abstract subjects are given human  qualities             brief form of implied comparison             Words that sound like the subjects they signify             Same consonant begins each word         



           [ Choose ]             Ridiculous exaggeration             Figurative comparison using like or as             Nonhuman or abstract subjects are given human  qualities             brief form of implied comparison             Words that sound like the subjects they signify             Same consonant begins each word         



           [ Choose ]             Ridiculous exaggeration             Figurative comparison using like or as             Nonhuman or abstract subjects are given human  qualities             brief form of implied comparison             Words that sound like the subjects they signify             Same consonant begins each word         



Flag question: Question 37Question 376 pts


Describe two situations when a presentation aid could become a distraction




Flag question: Question 38Question 381 pts


All of the following are ways to prepare for extemporaneous delivery of a speech except _____.  

Group of answer choices

Construct the progression of ideas with the aid of an outline


Plan the content thoroughly


Commit to an exact sequence of words


Practice until you are comfortable and conversational



Flag question: Question 39Question 391 pts


Which of the following is a proposition of policy? 

Group of answer choices

It is unethical to advertise cigarettes on billboards within two miles of an elementary or junior high school


American colleges should lower fees for undergraduate students


The death penalty is immoral


Television violence leads to aggressive behavior in children


All of the above



Flag question: Question 40Question 401 pts


All talk shows should be banned, because shortly after the airing of a show on surprises, one of the guests on the Jenny Jones talk shows killed another guest. This is an example of which form of logical fallacy?

Group of answer choices

Slippery slope




Ad hominem


Hasty generalization



Flag question: Question 41Question 418 pts


What is meant by a timely and timeless topic?

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Flag question: Question 42Question 424 pts


Why is it that you want to arrange your points in a speech from strongest to weakest or from weakest to strongest? (Hint: Primacy principle and recency principle)

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Flag question: Question 43Question 433 pts


Here’s a color wheel.  Which are complementary for the following colors?






Flag question: Question 44Question 442 pts


Name two colors that are analagous to Yellow-orange.


a. b.  


Flag question: Question 45Question 452 pts



Name 2 warm colors.


a. b.


Flag question: Question 46Question 461 pts


In generational culture (at least here in the US), which generational group values competition, change, hard work, inclusion?

Group of answer choices





Generation X





Flag question: Question 47Question 471 pts


Which generational group expects constant access to information through social networking?

Group of answer choices





Generation X





Flag question: Question 48Question 481 pts


Replacing negative internal statements with positive ones, when fighting off fear of public speaking, is called:

Group of answer choices

Cognitive development


Cognitive restructuring


Abnormal psychology


Self actualization



Flag question: Question 49Question 498 pts


Name the 4 components of Ethos (2 pts each correct):

a. b. c. d.


Flag question: Question 50Question 5012 pts


Now define each component of Ethos.

a. b. c. d.


Flag question: Question 51Question 516 pts


Why is it important to find out who collected data, when and why the data were collected, and how data were collected, when using statistics in an informative or persuasive speech

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