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    Question 2 In the context of acculturative stress, what is…



Question 2

In the context of acculturative stress, what is marginalization?

  a. maintaining one’s old cultural identity but participating in the new culture
  b. adopting the new culture as one’s own and having contact with its members
  c. rejecting one’s old culture but suffering rejection by members of the new culture
  d. maintaining one’s old cultural identity and avoiding contact with the new culture



Question 3

What are example characteristics of someone with a Type A personality?

  a. time urgent, resilient, and tolerant
  b. patient, tolerant, and docile
  c. competitive, impatient, and hostile
  d. noncompetitive, patient, and docile



Question 4

Which of the following terms refers to attributing one’s own feelings, shortcomings, or unacceptable impulses to others?

  a. displacement
  b. regression
  c. rationalization
  d. projection



Question 5

Which of the following is a common feature of depression?

  a. displacement
  b. projection
  c. hopelessness
  d. alarm



Question 6

Which of the following is an example of the resistance stage of the general adaptation syndrome?

  a. Diamond begs her mother for a puppy even after she is told she can’t have one.
  b. It is time for Fallon’s nap, but he cannot fall sleep.
  c. Patrice can’t stop talking even after her teacher asks her to remain silent.
  d. Tyrique almost falls out of the tree, but he grabs a branch, and now that the danger of falling has passed, he focuses his energy and attention on getting down from the tree safely.



Question 7

Julie has a low score on the Social Readjustment Rating Scale. Which of the following best describes her situation?

  a. Her level of daily hassles is relatively high.
  b. She is experiencing a moderate life crisis.
  c. She is less likely to catch a cold.
  d. Her stress level is likely to be high.



Question 8

Which of the following shows promise for helping people to control their heart rhythms and lower blood pressure?

  a. projection
  b. problem-focused coping
  c. mastery training
  d. biofeedback



Question 9

Students who role-play ways to resist smoking pressures from peers, adults, and tobacco product advertising are most likely engaged in

  a. mastery training.
  b. refusal skills training.
  c. guided imagery.
  d. life skills training.



Question 10

Having a higher level of social support is

  a. correlated with Type A personality.
  b. important to health for children but less so for adults.
  c. negatively correlated with health problems.
  d. unrelated to gender.



Question 11

Lydia is often described as having a positive outlook on life. She assumes the best of people and situations. Lydia exemplifies:

  a. biofeedback. 
  b. optimism.
  c. negative affectivity.
  d. type A personality.



Question 12

Which of the following would be most effective in getting a child to avoid the temptation to begin smoking?

  a. social media campaigns
  b. community health campaigns
  c. refusal skills training
  d. life skills training



Question 13

Psychoneuroimmunology can be described as the study of

  a. the use of drugs to treat psychological disorders.
  b. the impact of stress on the nervous system.
  c. links among behavior, stress, disease, and immunity.
  d. links between psychosomatic and physical illness.



Question 14

You are the superintendent of schools in a large city. Based on statistics, which of the following would you recommend be added to the health curriculum to help reduce risk behaviors among the highest number of students?

  a. smoking cessation
  b. dealing with depression
  c. healthy nutrition
  d. safe-sex practices



Question 15

Dr. Frobish possesses which personality because she is an intensively driven workaholic, is preoccupied with deadlines, and always seems to be in a rush?

  a. Type-D
  b. Type-C
  c. Type-B
  d. Type-A



Question 16

Which of the following experiments would be unlikely to lead the subjects to develop learned helplessness?

  a. A rat in a cage receives mild shocks but can learn to turn off the shock by pressing a lever.
  b. A dog in a box receives mild shocks from the floor and is unable to move away from the shock.
  c. A student is given unsolvable puzzles to solve for prizes and told that the puzzles are simple.
  d. A mouse is put in a tub of water and is unable to swim onto a floating platform to escape.



Question 17

Which of the following people is demonstrating the defense mechanism of identification?

  a. Paulo feels lost in his new job, so he tries to emulate the behaviors of his high-powered, successful boss.
  b. Ally is feeling anxious about an upcoming presentation, so she looks at the situation in rational, impersonal terms.
  c. Rashida is unable to cope with the recent death of her sister and talks about her as if she is still alive.
  d. Hunter wanted to be an engineer, but he struggles with math, so he criticizes engineers as being cold and aloof.



Question 18

Which of the following terms explains the appearance of symptoms, such as gastrointestinal distress, hives, or hypertension that result from high levels of stress?

  a. appraising a situation as positive or threatening
  b. resolving different kinds of conflicts
  c. psychosomatic disorders
  d. applying defense mechanisms to stressful situations



Question 19

Charlie hates taking exams. He spends the week before finals biting his nails, sleeping poorly, and worrying. He tries to distract himself by watching funny movies the night before the exam. This is an example of

  a. relationship-focused coping.
  b. emotion-focused coping.
  c. problem-focused coping.
  d. denial.



Question 20

A woman who came from a poor and struggling family works longer hours at the office and constantly outperforms her fellow coworkers is exemplifying which common defense mechanism?

  a. repression
  b. compensation
  c. reaction formation
  d. projection