Answered step-by-step
Question 2 Which of the following statements is true of Erikson’s…

Question 2

Which of the following statements is true of Erikson’s stage of generativity versus stagnation?

Group of answer choices

Adults usually strive to achieve a kind of recognition through legacies.

Generative adults develop a positive legacy of the self and then offer it as a gift to the next generation.

Universally, research refutes Erikson’s theory that generativity is an important dimension of middle age.

Generative adults usually refrain from committing themselves to the continuation and improvement of society as a whole.


Flag question: Question 3

Question 3

Which of the following statements about novices and experts is TRUE?

Group of answer choices

Novices are more creative in solving problems than experts.

Experts avoid the use of strategies and shortcuts when solving problems.

Novices are more flexible in solving problems than experts.

Experts process information more automatically than novices.


Flag question: Question 4

Question 4

Crystallized intelligence is:

Group of answer choices

an individual’s ability to reason abstractly.

an individual’s ability to thinking hypothetically and use deductive reasoning

an individual’s accumulated information and verbal skills.

an individual’s knowledge of crystals


Flag question: Question 5

Question 5

Winston, who lives in New York City, often chooses not go to Broadway shows because he cannot hear the dialogue.  Instead, he likes to go to IMAX movies because he prefers the surround sound in the theater.  When he does find himself at a Broadway show, he makes sure to wear a hearing aid and adjust the settings so he can hear everything.  Winston is engaging in:

Group of answer choices

automatic processing


selective optimization with compensation

emotion-focused coping


Flag question: Question 6

Question 6

Angelo and his wife just had their last child move out of the house. He and his wife had lived vicariously through their children, letting their sports activities and various achievements dominate their lives. Now they may experience _____, which includes a decline in marital satisfaction after children leave the home.

Group of answer choices

chronic discontent

meaning of life dilemma


the empty nest syndrome


Flag question: Question 7

Question 7

Brandon is a chain smoker and has been smoking cigarettes since college. He is currently 50 years old and has been recently diagnosed with erectile dysfunction. He consults his doctor to know more about his condition. Which of the following would the doctor most likely tell Brandon during the consultation?

Group of answer choices

Erectile dysfunction only occurs in males over 70 years of age and seldom occurs in younger males.

The main treatment for men with erectile dysfunction has focused on Viagra and similar drugs.

Erectile dysfunction is a fatal condition in males.

Obesity and elevated cholesterol levels are the only known causes for erectile dysfunction.


Flag question: Question 8

Question 8

Natalie is a journalist, and recently her boss rejected an article that she submitted for publication.  Later that day, she goes home to her husband, vents about the situation, and ultimately decides that the rejection was for the best.  Natalie’s coping style can be described as:

Group of answer choices






Flag question: Question 9

Question 9

Ruth is currently in menopause. This indicates that the production of ________ by her ovaries will decline drastically.

Group of answer choices






Flag question: Question 10

Question 10

Which of the following statements is true of working memory?

Group of answer choices

Studies indicate that techniques such as imagining phone numbers as representing different objects around the house are highly inefficient in improving working memory in middle adulthood.

Studies indicate that starting in late middle age, less time is needed to learn new information as working memory expands.

Decline in working memory is more likely to occur when individuals do not use effective memory strategies, such as organization and imagery.

Decline in working memory in late middle age is due to lack of information stored over the years.


Flag question: Question 11

Question 11

Which of the following is a major difference between Levinson’s and Valliant’s view on midlife?

Group of answer choices

Unlike Valliant, according to Levinson, only males experience midlife crisis.

Unlike Levinson, Valliant maintains that only a minority of adults experience midlife as a crisis.

Levinson maintains that the transition period to midlife is six years, while Valliant holds it to be eight years.

Unlike Levinson, Valliant’s study was mainly focused on white, middle-aged, male population within the upper SES of society.


Flag question: Question 12

Question 12

Jessica has high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and asthma. You might say that Jessica has (check all that apply):

Group of answer choices

a decreased risk for other diseases

a high allostatic load

a low allostatic load

an increased risk for other diseases


Flag question: Question 13

Question 13

Adult development experts are virtually unanimous in their belief that midlife crises

Group of answer choices

have been underestimated.

have been validated.

have no cross-cultural validity.

have been exaggerated.


Flag question: Question 14

Question 14

Which of the following statements is true of sibling relationships?

Group of answer choices

The majority of sibling relationships in adulthood are apathetic.

Siblings who were psychologically distant from each other in childhood tend to be close in adulthood.

Sibling relationships rarely persist over the entire life span for most adults.

It is rare for sibling closeness to develop for the first time in adulthood.


Flag question: Question 15

Question 15

Which of the following is one of the Big Five factors of personality?

Group of answer choices






Flag question: Question 16

Question 16

Which of the following is true of activity theory?

Group of answer choices

It states that adults who cannot carry on their middle-adulthood roles into late adulthood should find substitute roles that keep them engaged.

It states that successful aging depends on three main factors: selection, optimization, and compensation.

It states that adults become more selective about their social networks as they grow older and place a high value on emotional satisfaction.

It suggests that older adults should identify and reflect on the positive and negative aspects of their lives.


Flag question: Question 17

Question 17

According to your textbook, what is the average life expectancy of individuals born in 2017 in the United States?

Group of answer choices

75.3 years

72.3 years

69.3 years

78.6 years


Flag question: Question 18

Question 18

Dr. Upsteen is a developmental psychologist who believes that speed of processing slows with age due to the aging and death of neurons in the brain. Furthermore, as we age, we experience breakdowns in neural communications. Dr. Upsteen supports the ___________view.

Group of answer choices


selective optimization with compensation

crystallized intelligence

neural network


Flag question: Question 19

Question 19

Sophia Petrillo has acquired much knowledge throughout her life. She has developed a sense of emotional maturity that has provided her with the ability to listen, evaluate, and give advice to those around her. Through her old age, she has become an expert in the conduct and meaning of life. You might say that Sophia has acquired:

Group of answer choices

an autoimmune response


terminal decline

Bitter Old Lady Syndrome


Flag question: Question 20

Question 20

Elder maltreatment is primarily carried out by _____.

Group of answer choices

home-care staff



family members


Flag question: Question 21

Question 21

Joan has three grandchildren whom she loves dearly but she sees infrequently. Neugarten and Weinstein would classify Joan’s grandparent style as _____.

Group of answer choices






Flag question: Question 22

Question 22

Mr. Dalton has been complaining of irregular and involuntary movement in the right part of his body. The doctors noticed that Mr. Dalton has been showing signs of slow movement and partial facial paralysis. The chronic and progressive nature of the illness was revealed in the pathological findings. Which of the following conditions does Mr. Dalton most likely suffer from?

Group of answer choices

Parkinson disease

Lewy body dementia

Multi-infarct syndrome

Alzheimer disease


Flag question: Question 23

Question 23

Priming older adults with words such as “smart” and “wise” has absolutely no impact on performance on subsequent memory tasks.

Group of answer choices




Flag question: Question 24

Question 24

Who is most likely to remarry following the loss of a spouse in late adulthood?

Group of answer choices



Men and women are equally likely


Flag question: Question 25

Question 25

What do we know about never married, childless adults?

Group of answer choices

In terms of psychological health, it is important for never married, childless adults to reject the notion that life is meaningless if you don’t have a partner or children.

Never married, childless adults make up about 30% of older Americans.

The psychological well-being of never married, childless women is worse than divorcees and recently widowed elders.

Never married, childless women are more likely to experience depression in late adulthood than never married, childless men.


Flag question: Question 26

Question 26

According to the notes, which of the following is NOT a factor that impacts psychological well-being in late adulthood?

Group of answer choices

social support



physical health


Flag question: Question 27

Question 27

Now that Benita is in late adulthood, the socioemotional selectivity theory predicts that she will:

Group of answer choices

emotionally invest in peripheral relationships.

continue to actively make new friends.

spend most of her time with familiar friends.

become more socially withdrawn as she prepares for death.


Flag question: Question 28

Question 28

Your grandfather keeps going on and on about how when he was a senior in high school, he was the best football player in his town. He could run the fastest and had the most accurate throwing arm. He dated the head cheerleader and was the homecoming king. He tells these stories every time you see him. Besides annoying the crap out of you, what is your grandfather doing (check all that apply)?

Group of answer choices

engaging in self-focused reminiscing

engaging in other-focused reminiscing

showing symptoms of delirium

engaging in reminiscing that is not optimal for good psychological health


Flag question: Question 29

Question 29

Roger is having difficulties keeping up with the housekeeping, paying bills, grocery shopping, cooking dinner, etc. According to the lecture notes, what sorts of activities are these?

Group of answer choices

selective optimization with compensation tasks

activities of daily living

instrumental activities of daily living



Flag question: Question 30

Question 30

Even though Grandpa Willie is in perfect health, his granddaughter Rebecca speaks to him in a very condescending tone, using simpler sentences, and speaking in a higher pitch of speech than is normal for her.  Rebecca is using ____________when speaking with her Grandpa Willie.

Group of answer choices

primary aging

compression of morbidity

child-directed speech



Flag question: Question 31

Question 31

Which of the following is a TRUE statement about psychosocial development in late adulthood?

Group of answer choices

Older adult friendships are more likely to be opposite-sex than same-sex.

Elder maltreatment includes physical abuse and neglect, but not emotional, sexual, or financial abuse.

Erik Erikson’s final (8th) stage of socioemotional development is called Affect Optimization vs. Optimal Aging

Friendships in late adulthood serve many functions including intimacy/companionship, a link to the larger community, and acceptance.


Flag question: Question 32

Question 32

Which of the following is one of the earliest symptoms of Alzheimer disease?

Group of answer choices

increased irritability and aggressiveness

decrease in ability to produce well-formed sentences

decreased hand-eye coordination

word-finding/generating difficulties


Flag question: Question 33

Question 33

Harvey who is 72-years old, is brought into a memory research lab.  At the beginning of the hour-long session, he is asked to spend 2 minutes attempting to memorize a sequence of 15 numbers.  He is then asked to recall where he was and what he was doing on September 11, 2001.  At the end of the hour, he is asked to recall the list of numbers from the beginning of the session.  Harvey, whose memory is consistent with that of the “typical” 72-year old, probably performed better recalling:

Group of answer choices

what he was doing on 9/11

both the numbers and the 9/11 memory equally well

neither the numbers nor what he was doing on 9/11

the numbers


Flag question: Question 34

Question 34

_____ theory states that cells can divide a maximum of about 75 to 80 times, and that as we age our cells become less capable of dividing.

Group of answer choices

Hormonal stress

Cellular clock




Flag question: Question 35

Question 35

Older adults not being hired for new jobs, being eased out of old ones because they are perceived as too rigid or feeble-minded, and being eased out because they are not considered cost effective are examples of:

Group of answer choices

age incongruity.

generational inequity.




Flag question: Question 36

Question 36

In the context of cohabitation among older adults, which of the following statements is true?

Group of answer choices

In most cases, the health of couples who cohabit is better than the health of married couples.

The number of cohabiting older adults is expected to decrease in the coming years.

Cohabitation among older adults often results in marriage.

In most cases, older adults cohabit for companionship than for love.


Flag question: Question 37

Question 37

As Betty is approaching her late 70’s, she strives to remain the same person she always has been.  She still reads the newspaper every morning, hangs out with the same friends regularly, and cooks dinner for her family every Sunday.  She has volunteered at her church for the past 20 years and plans to continue for as long as possible. This level of consistency between her past, present, and future has made Betty very happy.  Betty’s situation supports the __________theory of aging.

Group of answer choices



socioemotional selectivity



Flag question: Question 38

Question 38

Dr. Roberts believes that we age because we all have a genetic clock in our DNA that regulates the aging process by triggering hormonal changes and controlling cellular reproduction and repair.  Dr. Roberts favors which theory of aging?

Group of answer choices

Wear and Tear theory

Ageism theory

Genetic Adaptation theory

Cellular Aging theory


Flag question: Question 39

Question 39

Which of the following statements is true of hospice care?

Group of answer choices

Hospice care emphasizes palliative care.

Hospice care emphasizes the need to limit the administration of painkillers to terminally ill patients.

Hospice care mainly emphasizes efforts to cure an illness.

Hospice care focuses on efforts to prolong life.


Flag question: Question 40

Question 40

Cindy’s mother passes away suddenly because of a heart attack. Cindy now wants to explain the concept of death to her 4-year-old twins as she is sure that they will ask for their grandmother. Considering their age, which of the following statements should Cindy mention when communicating her message to her children?

Group of answer choices

You are loved and will not be abandoned.

All living things eventually die, and so will you.

Death is a physical and biological process.

Death is final and irreversible.


Flag question: Question 41

Question 41

Following Jim’s death, who is most likely to experience disenfranchised grief?

Group of answer choices

Karla, his secret mistress of 30 years

Patches, the family dog

Wanda, his devoted wife

Chris, the son he disowned 25 years ago


Flag question: Question 42

Question 42

Which of the following statements is true of the American attitude toward death?

Group of answer choices

Americans are generally death avoiders and death deniers.

Belief in reincarnation is a defining aspect of the American belief about death.

Americans consider death of the biological body as the end of existence.

Americans do not believe in a spiritual body that lives on after death.


Flag question: Question 43

Question 43

_____ refers to a legal document that reflects the patient’s advance care planning.

Group of answer choices

Dying will

Last request

Living will

Easy death order


Flag question: Question 44

Question 44

“No, it can’t be me. It’s not possible,” thinks Clara when she hears the news of her terminal illness. In this scenario, Clara is in which of the following Kübler-Ross’ stages of dying?

Group of answer choices



denial and isolation




Flag question: Question 45

Question 45

Terry is in the final stages of skin cancer, a condition that causes her severe pain and discomfort. At Terry’s insistence and her family’s approval, her doctor agrees to end her pain by administering a lethal dose of a drug. This is an example of ________ euthanasia.

Group of answer choices


universally legal




Flag question: Question 46

Question 46

Brain death occurs when

Group of answer choices:

only the lower regions of the brain stop functioning.

all electrical activity of the brain has ceased for a specified period of time.

the body loses the ability to breathe on its own.

a person remains unconscious for a specified period of time.


Flag question: Question 47

Question 47

Which is NOT one of Kubler-Ross’ 5 stages of dying/grief?

Group of answer choices:



denial and isolation





Flag question: Question 48

Question 48

Identify and describe any 3 concepts, ideas, or theories about human development that you did not know prior to taking this course.  Make sure you number your responses accordingly (1, 2, 3) – each response is worth 2 points.