Answered step-by-step
Question 3.12        a) Different theories of personality…

Question 3.12       

a) Different theories of personality and development:

The role of nature and nurture.
Freud’s psychoanalytic theory.
Erikson’s psychosocial stages.
Bowlby’s attachment theory.
Piaget’s cognitive developmental theory.
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

Select two (2) of the theories or approaches listed above, and for each theory:

Conduct your own research and find one (1) article or other academic/professional source that provides relevant information and could help you expand your understanding about the selected theory. Provide information identifying the source in the ‘Sources’ column.
Find one (1) relevant PD opportunity that you can use to update and expand your knowledge about the selected theory. Provide information identifying the activity in the ‘Relevant PD opportunity’ column.

Note: Your response must demonstrate your ability to conduct independent research. It is not acceptable to use any of the resources referenced in the Study Guide (60 wds overall.)



Relevant PD opportunity

Theory 1:




Year published:      






Theory 2:



Year published:      







 Imagine that you are a new counsellor working in the local community centre. Your centre offers service to clients of all ages with regards to a range of issues such as stress, parenting, and relationship difficulties. As part of your professional development, you decide to extend your understanding on a range of developmental theories.

b)    Imagine that your workplace has a staff library and you found a copy of “The Handbook of Counselling Children and Young People” which has a chapter titled “Child development and attachment”. This is included as Reading K .

The authors of the article discussed a range of developmental perspectives. Identify five theories discussed in the article (15 wds).




c)    Applying what you know about critical evaluation, do you think Reading K is a credible, professional source of good quality information? Is it likely to be useful in expanding your understanding on developmental theories? Explain your reasoning ( 100 wds)




d)    Imagine that you decide to look for more information about developmental theories online, and you have come across an article titled “How Maslow’s hierarchy of needs influenced person-centred counselling” from a website named “Counselling Tutor”. This is included as Reading L.

Applying what you know about critical evaluation, do you think this article is a credible, professional source of good quality information? Is it likely to be useful in expanding your understanding on developmental theories? Explain your reasoning (100 wds).





e)    Imagine that you continue searching for information about other theories. You come across an online article with the title “Attachment theory in adolescent counselling” by Langlois (2017), published in the BU Journal of Graduate Studies in Education. This article is included as Reading M.

In a short paragraph, summarise what the author suggests about the application of attachment theory in a therapeutic context (60 wds)




f)    Applying what you have learned about critical evaluation, do you think Reading M is a credible, professional source of good quality information? Is Reading M likely to be useful in expanding your understanding on developmental theories? 50 wds).






READING K:  Robson, M., & Pattison, S. (Eds.). (2020). The handbook of counselling children and young people. (2nd ed.). assets/95300_book_item_95300.pd


READING L: Counselling Tutor. (2020, November). How Maslow’s hierarchy of needs influenced person-centred counselling. approaches/person-centred-approach-to-counselling/maslow-hierarchy-of- needs/


READING M:  Langlois, R. (2017). Attachment theory in adolescent counselling. BU Journal of Graduate Studies in Education, 9(1), 19-23.