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Question 38 According to Canadian researchers, which of the…

Question 38
According to Canadian researchers, which of the following statements is true regarding women, depression rates, and the empty-nest syndrome?

A. Women have more stress related depression when children are still at home.

B. Depression leading to suicide is associated with the empty nest syndrome in women over 55 years.

C. The majority of women experience some depression due to the identity loss associated with the empty nest syndrome.

D. Only a small number of women experience depression due to the empty nest syndrome.
Question 39
Attachment theories suggest that when we choose a partner we

A. Expect our partner to take the primary responsibility in defining attachment

B. Seek to maximize the benefits we get out of the relationship.

C. Seek to develop attachment patterns that are different from our childhood but more satisfying than what our parents had.

D. Develop attachments that match our internal model of attachment.
Question 40
According to research, what happens to marital satisfaction and stability at mid-life?

A. it is dependent upon the frequency of sexual interaction.

B. It increases as conficts over child-rearing and other matters decline.

C. It continues to steadily decrease.

D. It is at its lowest point.
Question 41
Which of the following is NOT an accurate statement about employment and work satisfaction at mid-life?

A. Middle-aged men begin to disengage from work as a source of personal fulfillment or satisfaction.

B. Women and men cite similar sources of job satisfaction in middle age: time pressure, boring work, and concern about job security.

C. For most adults, job satisfaction and sense of power or job clout are much lower in mid-life than in young adulthood.

D. Women who return to full-time employment in middle adulthood typically do so because of divorce or widowhood.
Question 42
Which of the following is LEAST likely to prompt a mid-life crisis?

A. purchasing a new house

B. accepting one’s own mortality

C. recognizing new physical limitations and health risks

D. adapting to major changes in one’s roles
Question 43
According to research from the University of Guelph, young Canadian adults aged 25 to 44 years old experience

A. the most leisure time

B. the greatest commitment to their careers

C. the most time pressure

D. the highest level of job satisfaction
Question 44
Which of the following is NOT a known risk factor for cancer?

A. smoking

B. alcohol

C. cholesterol

D. weight
Question 45
The divorce rate of couples who cohabitate before getting married is_________________as compared to those who never lived together before marriage because _____________________.

A. higher; because they were never interested in getting married in the first place and felt pressured into it.

B. lower; they had a chance to see what it would be like before making a commitment.

C. no difference; both groups have about the same divorce rate.

D. lower; they have worked out their differences before marriage.
Question 46
Baldev takes pride in the fact that he rarely makes an error in his job as accountant for the Widget Company. He precisely follows formulas and guidelines when he calculates his company’s production costs and profit margins. According to Holland, what is Baldev’s perosnality type?

A. enterprising

B. conventional

C. investigative 

D. articulate
Question 47
George feels that he is making a valuable contribution to society by bringing up his children to the best of his ability as well as by volunteering as a Big Brother to kids in his community. George feels he has acquired

A. a sense of role transitions

B. parental generalizing

C. a midl-life cathersis

D. generativity
Question 48
In choosing an occupation, which of the following family factors tend to be most influential?

A. parents’ marital satisfaction

B. parents’ level of educational attainment

C. parents’ level of job satisfaction

D. number of siblings in the family
Question 49
What is the typical pattern of cognitive functioning in middle adulthood?

A. Most individuals demonstrate a decrease in verbal skills, such as vocabulary, and tasks such as working a crossword puzzle or giving instructions become difficult.

B. Mental processes steadily and signifcantly decline across middle adulthood, and most individuals perceive an accelerated loss of mental acuity.

C. Individuals may maintain or even gain in skill on tasks that are highly practiced or based on specific learning, such as playing a card game.

D. Most individuals begin to experience decrements in problem-solving abilities, and tasks such as adjusting ingredients in a recipe or learning new computer software become difficult.
Question 50
The Green family household consists of Mr. and Mrs. Green, 3 daughters who ae either widowed or divorced, and 5 grandchildren ranging in age from 5 to 15 years. While the duaghters work and go to College, Mr. and Mrs. Green have full responsibility of their grandchildren. According to the categories developed by behavioural scientists, this situation most closely resembles the _____________type of grandparent.

A. involved

B. engrossed

C. invested

D. companionate