DukeFreedomMouse28 . Question 60 A personality theory that posits that individuals…Image transcription textQuestion 60 A personality theory that posits that individuals aremotivated by unconscious forces is A humanistic theory Bpsychoanalytic theory C trait theory D behavior modif… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textQuestion 58 If a person is considered to have the trait ofextraversion, this means: A The individual will always be the life ofthe party and make friends easily. B The individual will,… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textQuestion 55 ( 1 Point Bandura and Skinner differ: ® because bothbelieved in the power of rewards to change behavior; but Banduradid not think punishment could change behavior. beca… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textQuestion 53 1: 1Point j Abigail tells her children that smoking isbad, but she smokes. Cognitive dissonance theory suggests shewill: 6.) stop smoking. change her attitude about smoki… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textQuestion 5!} This refers to the fact that we like to see our world aspredictable. Even if an event was something we could not predict,we like to apply hindsight. ® Illusion of control. False c… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textQuestion 43 In the Milgram experiment, participants: 61:) had toreceive shocks each time they answered incorrectly. had toadminister shocks to learners each time the learner m… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textQuestion 3? Transference is the act or process of 1renting repressed feelings that result in a temporary reduction of tension. ®True False … Show moreImage transcription textQuestion 35 1 Point At the dinner party, you are quick to agree tobeing in the same religious group as your boss even though youactually have different beliefs. In this case, you are con… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textQuestion 32 1 Point Cognitive restructuring therapy involvesrestructuring irrational thinking patterns. A True B FalseQuestion 33 1 Point Compared to men, women: A plac… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textQuestion 29 1 Point Depression involves rapid flight of ideas andpressure of speech. A True B False Question 30 1 Point DisabledVeterans asks you for $1 donation and, over time, you … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textQuestion 27 1 Point When you open the door, the salesmanthrusts a roll of paper towels at you. “Your free gift for justopening your door!” As he continues to talk, he a… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textQuestion 24 1 Point Research has shown that the incidence ofADHD decreases by late infancy. A True B False Question 25 1Point Having too few monoamine transmitters has bee… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textQuestion 23 1 Point According to this theory, we might expectthat anytime we are thwarted in our efforts to finish a job, find theproper ingredients for a midnight sandwich, or win in a… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textQuestion 22 1 Point Sally believed that her house was bugged byRussian agents who were listening to her every move. She wassuffering from delusions of A grandeur B reference C … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textQuestion16 [ 1Point :1 In cases of extreme depression. would bethe first line of treatment. 61:) psychosurgery ® ablationQuestion 1? To avoid grouplhink. all possible alternativ… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textQuestion 15 Analytical intelligence involves mastering asequence of steps in the process of solving complex. verbalproblems. 6.) True False … Show moreImage transcription textQuestion 13 when you seejim racing like a maniac clown the mad,the only choice you have is to see him as a reckless jerk. … Show moreImage transcription textQuestion11 i 1Point i False consensus bias is an attribution biascaused by the assumption that most people share our ownattitudes and behaviors. … Show moreImage transcription textQUESthHE [ 1P0int J The monoamihe theory of depressivedisorders has been supported by . G) evidence that drugs thatdecrease levels of serotonin often reduce the sympto… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textQuestion 4 1 Point Jim’s repetitive urge to wash his handsrepeatedly is an obsession. A True B False… Show moreImage transcription textQuestion 2 1 Point In the Asch line experiment, approximately _%of subjects went along with the group instead of answeringcorrectly. A 15 B 33 C 50 D 66… Show more Social SciencePsychology