Answered step-by-step
Question 81 (1 point)                   A drug company…

Question 81 (1 point)










A drug company claims that its new drug has a lower risk of stroke than a competitor’s drug, and the difference is statistically significant. To determine whether this difference is meaningful, what other information do you need to know?

Question 81 options:

  actual risk of stroke in the general population
  recommended dose of the new drug
  type of stroke that is caused by both drugs
  actual risk of stroke for both drugs


Question 82 (1 point)










Which type of attachment is most common among North American, Asian, and European infants?

Question 82 options:



Question 83 (1 point)










Martin Seligman proposed that which of the following predisposes individuals to depression?

Question 83 options:

  Learned helplessness
  Pessimistic explanatory style
  Neurological insult during birth
  Maternal malnutrition
  A & B
  C & D


Question 84 (1 point)










What type of conflict do you experience if you pursue a goal that has both attractive and unattractive features?

Question 84 options:



Question 85 (1 point)










What are stereotypes?

Question 85 options:

  negative attitudes and beliefs about members of different cultural groups
  inferences about the causes of behaviour in members of disparate cultural groups
  beliefs about the personal traits and behaviours of individuals who belong to specific groups
  behaviours that treat people differently when they are members of a different in-group


Question 86 (1 point)










A two-category scheme for classification of schizophrenia has been suggested as an alternative to the older four categories. What are these two categories based on?

Question 86 options:

  presence or absence of delusions
  predominance of positive or negative symptoms
  early or late age of onset
  slow or fast developing symptoms


Question 87 (1 point)










In contrast to drive theories, what is the primary focus of incentive theories of motivation?

Question 87 options:

  internal rather than external cues
  environmental rather than biological factors
  social rather than personal goals
  long-term rather than short-term reinforcement


Question 88 (1 point)










In a normal distribution of information, where will most people’s scores be found?

Question 88 options:

  to the far right in the distribution
  in the centre of the distribution
  to the far left in the distribution
  the distribution is flat, and all scores are equally probable


Question 89 (1 point)










Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon devised the first intelligence test in 1905. What was their main goal?

Question 89 options:

  to predict future life success
  to provide support for the belief that intelligence is genetically determined
  to provide support for the belief that intelligence is environmentally determined
  to predict the school performance of children


Question 90 (1 point)










According to Kinsey, what is the relationship between the categories of homosexuality and heterosexuality?

Question 90 options:

  They are mutually exclusive.
  They are endpoints on a continuum.
  They are not valid categories because they merely reflect social constructions.
  They are discrete categories for males, but not for females.


Question 91 (1 point)










What will most strongly influence Stephen’s first impression of his new roommate’s personality?

Question 91 options:

  his first and last name
  his physical appearance
  the perception of his intelligence
  the first words that he says


Question 92 (1 point)










Which of the following statements best describes how children assign behaviours to pictures of attractive and unattractive kids?

Question 92 options:

  Children reported that the attractive children were less likely to hit.
  Children reported that the attractive children were more likely to be hurtful.
  Children reported that the unattractive children were more likely to say angry things.
  Children reported that the unattractive children were less likely to help sad children.


Question 93 (1 point)










Which of the following is least likely to lead to post-traumatic stress disorder?

Question 93 options:

  military combat
  a natural disaster
  generalized anxiety due to financial stress and bankruptcy
  a traumatic sexual assault


Question 94 (1 point)










According to conditioning and learning theory, phobias may be:

Question 94 options:

  Caused and maintained by classical conditioning
  Caused and maintained by operant conditioning
  Caused by operant conditioning and maintained by classical conditioning
  Caused by classical conditioning and maintained by operant conditioning


Question 95 (1 point)










Which famous study demonstrated that even some mental health professionals struggle to distinguish normal vs. abnormal behavior?

Question 95 options:

  The Stanford Prison Study
  The Rosenhan (1973) study
  Milgram’s Study
  None of the above


Question 96 (1 point)










When Kelly started at a new school, she had a hard time making friends as it seemed everyone already had a set friend-group, and she was seen as an outsider. How is Kelly being categorized at her new school?

Question 96 options:

  Being part of the ingroup
  Being part of an outgroup
  An illusory correlation
  An attribution


Question 97 (1 point)










If Lawrence Kohlberg were to present you with a moral dilemma, what would he be most interested in?

Question 97 options:

  your judgment of right and wrong in this situation
  what you would do in this situation
  any inconsistency between your behaviour and your moral judgment
  your reasons for whatever moral judgment you had about the situation


Question 98 (1 point)










Which is not a major class of antidepressant?

Question 98 options:

  MAO inhibitors


Question 99 (1 point)










Therapists must work to improve their cultural competence, which includes their:

Question 99 options:

  All of the above


Question 100 (1 point)










This type of therapy involves verbal interactions that are aimed at enhancing clients’ self-knowledge and thus promoting adaptive changes in personality and behavior.

Question 100 options:

  Insight therapy
  Cognitive behavioural therapy
  Exposure therapy