Answered step-by-step
Questions 32 – 38 refer to Table 2-B. In this study, 10 children…

Questions 32 – 38 refer to Table 2-B.

In this study, 10 children completed a survey regarding their impressions of smokers at age 8 and then again at age 10 and 12. Scores could range from 1 (extreme negative impression of smokers) to 20 (extreme positive impression of smokers).

Table 2-B


  GROUP                      N          MEAN              STD DEV                    


1 (AGE 8)                     10            9.70               5.89                   

2 (AGE 10)                   10         10.40               5.58                    

3 (AGE 12)                   10         11.80               5.94                    




                                                 SUM OF                            MEAN

SOURCE                                  SQUARES            DF       SQUARES        F RATIO           PROB.


AGE                                          22.87                   2               11.43               6.76             .006

SUBJECTS                            879.63                    9               97.74             34.71             .000

WITHIN CELLS                      30.47                  18                 1.69

TOTAL                                    932.97                 29


POST HOC TEST: Tukey-HSD with significance level .05


*  Indicates significant differences shown for pairings  


                                                         G          G          G

                                                         r           r           r

                                                         p          p          p

                                                         1          2          3

Mean               AGE


  9.70               Grp 1                                  

10.40               Grp 2

11.80               Grp 3                    *          *

32.Consult Table 2-B. What kind of research design is this?

a. Multiple-groups design for correlated groups

b. Multiple-groups design for independent groups

c. Single-case experimental design

d. Two-groups design for correlated groups

33.Consult Table 2-B. The independent variable in this study is __________ and the dependent variable in this study is ____________.

a. age of participants; number of participants

b. age of participants; scores indicating impressions of smokers

c. scores indicating impressions of smokers; age of participants

d. scores indicating impressions of smokers; number of participants

34.Consult Table 2-B. What kind of statistical analysis was conducted?

a. One-way ANOVA for independent samples

b. One-way ANOVA for correlated samples

c. Two-factor ANOVA for independent samples

d. Two-way ANOVA for correlated samples

35.Consult Table 2-B. Why are the degrees of freedom for the age variable equal to 2?

a. Because there are two levels of the independent variable.

b. Because there are two significant differences.

c. Because there are three levels of the independent variable.

d. Because the formula for df between is always 1 + 1.

36.Consult Table 2-B. The p-value for age is ______ than .05; therefore, the results of the statistical analysis _____ significant.

a. greater; are not

b. greater; are

c. less; are not

d. less; are

37.Consult Table 2-B. Which means are significantly different from each other?

a. The 8-year-old group is significantly different from the 10-year-old group and the 12-year-old group, and the 10- and 12-year old groups do not differ significantly from each other.

b. The 12-year-old group and the 10-year-old group differ significantly from each other, and no other comparisons are significant.

c. The 12-year-old group differs significantly from the 10-year-old group, the 12-year-old group differs significantly from the 8-year-old group, and no other comparisons are significant.

d. All three groups are significantly different from each other.

38.Please write a complete APA conclusion for the results from Table 2-B. Please be sure to include descriptive statistics and inferential statistics where appropriate.


Questions 39 – 42 refer to Table 2-C and the statistical output below.

In this study, participants were randomly assigned to consume one of three doses of alcohol:  high, low, or none. Participants then read a scenario in which a male character was involved in a car accident where he severely injured his passenger. Participants rated the male character’s responsibility for his behavior on a scale ranging from 1 (not at all responsible) to 20 (completely responsible).

Table 2-C


            GROUP           N         MEAN             STD DEV        STD ERROR   


1 (high dose)               10        14.80                  1.32                 0.42          

2 (low dose)                10        16.10                  1.79                 0.57

3 (no dose)                  10        18.60                  1.17                 0.37




                                                 SUM OF                                    MEAN

SOURCE                                 SQUARES              DF            SQUARES       F RATIO            PROB.


BETWEEN GROUPS                74.60                    2                 37.30            17.70            .000

WITHIN GROUPS                     56.90                  27                 2.11            

TOTAL                                      131.50                  29


POST HOC TEST: Tukey-HSD with significance level .05


*  Indicates significant differences shown for pairings


                                               G         G         G

                                               r          r          r

                                               p          p          p

                                               1          2          3

Mean               ALCOHOL


14.80              Grp 1

16.10              Grp 2

18.60              Grp 3               *        *

39.Consult Table 2-C. What kind of statistical analysis was conducted?

a. One-way ANOVA for independent samples

b. One-way ANOVA for correlated samples

c. Two-factor ANOVA for independent samples

d. Two-factor ANOVA for correlated samples

40.Consult Table 2-C. Which means are significantly different from each other?

a. The high dose group is significantly different from the low dose group, and no other comparisons are significant.

b. The high dose group and the low dose group are significantly different from the no dose group, and the high dose and low dose group do not significantly differ from each other.

c. The high dose group is significantly different from the no dose group and the low dose group, and the low dose group and the no dose group do not significantly differ from each other.

d. All three groups are significantly different from each other.

41.Consult Table 2-C. Which of the following is written using correct APA format?

a. The effect of alcohol dosage on ratings of perpetrator responsibility was significant, F(2, 27) = 17.70, p > .05.

b. The effect of alcohol dosage on ratings of perpetrator responsibility was significant, F(27, 2) = 17.70, p > .05.

c. The effect of alcohol dosage on ratings of perpetrator responsibility was significant, F(2, 27) = 17.70, p < .05. d. The effect of alcohol dosage on ratings of perpetrator responsibility was significant, F(27, 2) = 17.70, p < .05. 42.Please write a complete APA conclusion for the results from Table 2-C. Please be sure to include descriptive statistics and inferential statistics where appropriate.   43.Cathy examined the effect of different teaching methods on students' exam performance. She randomly assigned college students to listen to one of three lectures and then tested them over the material. As hypothesized, she found that students taught by Method 1 earned significantly higher exam grades than students taught by Method 2 or Method 3. Which of the following is the best conclusion to draw from these results? a. Because Cathy has not done an experiment, she should not draw any cause-and-effect conclusions. b. Cathy has proven that Method 1 is superior to Method 2 and Method 3. c. Cathy's results supported the hypothesis. d. Cathy's study has high external validity. 44.Which of the following is NOT a control procedure? a. Random assignment b. Matching c. Natural sets d. Convenience sampling 45.Researchers often choose a correlated-groups design over an independent-groups design when a. their sample size is small. b. they expect small differences owing to their IV. c. they want to reduce error variance. d. All of the above 46.What happens when we match participants on a variable that is unrelated to the dependent variable? a. We decrease our chances of finding a significant effect. b. We increase our chances of finding a significant effect. c. We increase the generalizability of our experiment. d. We decrease our chances of having experimenter bias in the study. 47.When error variability __________, it is ________ to reject the null hypothesis. a. increases; easier b. increases; not possible c. decreases; easier d. decreases; not possible