DeanStarSalamander7React to this post: Have you ever experienced significant pain (if…React to this post:Have you ever experienced significant pain (if not, can you think of a loved one that has)? How did it affect your life, e.g. personally, socially, academically…?Yes. I have felt physical pain before and it was the worst thing I have ever experienced. When I was 15 years old I had something growing on my thumb which I believe was a wart. It was located on my thumb which I had the intentions to remove it so I went to the dermatologist with my dad. Thankfully, I haven’t been really the one to encounter physical pain but I could say this hurt immensely. The procedure had to be done so of course, I went through with it to get it removed. The doctor had to inject my thumb with anesthesia and never once was I told that I was going to experience PAIN so I believed everything was going to go well and I am not one to be nervous before getting injections. As soon as she started injecting my thumb with anesthesia it felt as if I removing my entire thumb. I felt this piercing pain and although it was only my thumb and it wasn’t anything that serious, IT HURT A LOT. As this procedure began and as I was feeling this sharp pain I remember myself staring at my dad in shock. I didn’t say anything or scream from the pain, my eyes were just opened wide and I felt as if I was going to passout. It affect me personally because I could never look at receiving an injection the same way. Always before receiving an injection I do get nervous and ask beforehand if it is painful. I am not exaggerating.  How did your cognitive representations of illness form and influence your perception of the symptoms? And your experience of those symptoms? And your behavior to seek or not treatment?When it comes to taking care of myself from any health related issues I tend to make that my first priority as should anybody should. Coming from the experience that I had when I was 15 years old, I haven’t had to worry about anything growing (thankfully). If I was to encounter something similar I don’t think my cognitive representation of how I feel about it would influence my perception. Knowing what it felt like but also knowing how it helped me and cured my thumb, I would most likely do it again and receive the same exact treatment given even though how badly it hurt. I’ve always told my parents and my sister that I believe when it comes to experiencing any sort of pain I have a high tolerance. As I mentioned, I do get nervous but I learn to deal with it and go through with anything that makes me feel that way especially if it benefits myself.Social SciencePsychology