FlacaM12Read “Tackling Oppression in Schools: Reflections on an…Read “Tackling Oppression in Schools: Reflections on an authentically supportive relationship” on pages 348-352 of the text. Using the list of Six Skills for Tackling Oppression in Schools on pages 342-348 of the text, identify which skills the school social worker actively used when interacting with Leon. Were there any points in the interaction where the school social worker may have engaged in oppressive practices, even unintentionally?Image transcription textThe First Two Years: Recognizing Privileges, Identifying Barriers,Forging Our Relationship The authors of this chapter ?rst met at astudent—faculty/staff football game organized by the … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textmeet the extracurricular and social- emotional needs of studentsand families, and case—managed a group of off—track students tohelp them access additional academic, mental health, a… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textin viewing its students’ challenges and in re?ecting on how toimprove its policies and practices. The director of admissions, whowas charged by the school’s principal to recruit a stud… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textmentors also learned two valuable lessons: (1) our mentees wereabsolutely determined to win the football game, and (2) Leon’sstrength, determination, and leadership set the tone a… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textHe made sure Leon was completing his homework, worked withhim to improve his writing skills, helped him get his questionsanswered by his various teachers, and advocated for h… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textand practices. As a member of the school development team, Mr.Brake helped the school create and analyze new and existing datasources, such as student and parent school climate sur… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textheaded in life and it was Mr. Brake’s job not to tackle Leon, but to?nd effective ways to tackle oppression in the school that mightstand in Leon’s way. For Leon, during the ?rst two year… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textpartnerships as well as to develop greater family engagement,input, and leadership opportunities toward creating furthersupports for the school’s most vulnerable youth, such … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textacross students’ many interests and backgrounds. Ambassadorsalso helped the school develop common language, values, andcommitment to promoting a culture of positive youth … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textsearch and application process. In his senior year Leon was alsoselected as a mentor for a yearlong peer mentorship andleadership program that Mr. Brake and the school’s fre… Show more… Show moreImage transcription texton a full scholarship. Proud of Leon’s accomplishments and theimpact he and Mr. Brake had in positively shaping the school’spolicies and practices, we continue to take these exper… Show more… Show moreImage transcription texthe also held a number of key leadership positions on campus,founded and developed his own college scholarship program forlow—income Morehouse students, and was recruited … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textmessage and supported this goal throughout his ?rst two years ofhigh school. By the end of his ?rst year, with the support of Mr.Brake and other mentors at the school, Leon had gaine… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textthat might struggle to develop an authentically supportiverelationship. On the surface, we appeared to have little incommon in terms of age, race, class, and educational b… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textthat might struggle to develop an authentically supportiverelationship. On the surface, we appeared to have little incommon in terms of age, race, class, and educational b… Show more… Show more Social SciencePsychology