myflower10reply to this student with with a well-elaborated answer with 150…reply to this student with with a well-elaborated answer with 150 words Forming a conceptualization on the act of development is by far one of the most complex deeds a human can fabricate with just words and their knowledge. From the outside looking in, development is growth over the course of time. When speaking on human development, it begins from the time of conception. Conception is when the mother’s egg and father’s sperm meet to create the offspring. In the PowerPoint presentation notes for Chapter 3 from our textbook, it states that conception can also be referred to as “fertilization.” The chapter goes on to describe this process as ‘the union of the ovum and sperm to produce a zygote.” This is where development begins. From the moment conception occurs, the zygote prepares itself to go through many new stages and undergo multiple phases that eventually brings them to become a full-grown individual. The act of development is crucial because of the mere fact that it is the foundation to how a child’s future will result. For a child to be a high functioning adult, their development stages must remain robust. Not only does development occur in pregnancy, after conception, and all the way up until the child is born, but after birth as well. The child will proceed to grow into an adult. During those years, the child goes through development physically, mentally, and emotionally. They will develop things like personality! In Chapter 3 from our textbook, it goes deeper into environmental and hereditary factors. These are elements that a child will encounter during development. It can be the child being surrounded by (environmental) or factors that may be in the child’s DNA and is passed down (hereditary). Personality is a big component of development! It makes us who we are. As someone who has studied about development in the past, I do believe that every development is a new start. It is a unique being starting off with a blank slate. We are all made for a unique purpose.   Before beginning any of the readings, I previously conceptualized the growth and learning of a child by watching them grow. To give some background information on myself, I am employed at a children’s hospital. I work alongside nurses and assist them with pediatric patients. I see the way children of all ages come in for their visits and how they all differ. I can easily distinguish how old a patient is by observing their behaviors and tactics. Most children in specific age groups will conduct themselves entirely different from other age groups. The change is drastic even if number in years are not. For example, a child at 2 years old is not the same developmentally as a child at 4 years old. There is a huge contrast in how they carry themselves. That is how I can conceptualize development on my own. I also do not have children yet, but if I did, I would meditate on the idea of development in a different light. It is truly a captivating thing! Social SciencePsychology