MasterMask9303Respond  by sharing at least two criteria or practices that you…Respond  by sharing at least two criteria or practices that you have used to identify scholarly work. Peer#1- For this particular task, the online library search proved to be helpful. The information I was able to locate appeared reliable, especially the peer-reviewed articles. The filter function was helpful in helping me focus on the stuff that was pertinent to my area of interest despite the abundance of available content. I want to conduct study on how virtual care affects the provision of mental healthcare in underserved areas. Gaining full access to some of the articles and publications was the major obstacle I faced. But I think I can confidently rely on the six I’ve named. The sources used for research should be reliable and almost factual because it is the goal of research to further knowledge and ideas. We employ scholarly work because it is objective and because scholarly journals and articles are not.Peer#2-As I looked for scholarly articles, I found that finding resources that were up-to-date was the hardest part. There are a lot of legitimate research articles on the internet, but some of them were written as long ago as the 1950s. These old articles aren’t as helpful as new ones, especially when it comes to psychology, because a lot has changed over time. I’ve also found it hard to find scholarly articles because some of the information seems relevant and well-researched, but there are no sources listed at the end of the article. This is important because scholarly research requires us to cite our sources. We’d like to know where the ideas for the article came from. We want to use scholarly sources for our research because that makes sure that the sources we use for our own publication are well-researched. It gives our own research more weight and a sense of legitimacy.One could have an opinion or theory about a subject, but if they don’t have proof to back up their claim, it’s just a theory. It doesn’t move forward in the scientific method because the researcher didn’t work with other people or compare their findings to what other people had found. Peer#3-The first problem was trying to decide what to write about. Then choosing a specific area, and finally coming up with the question. Having the question in mind helped me figure out what kind of articles I needed to look for. Once I did that, some of the other problems I had to deal with were finding articles that were easy to read and learning how to use the different search engines. Using scholarly research can make my work more credible. A lot of smart, curious, or determined people have taken the time to write about their work. There’s no need to make or re-make the wheel. It might be better to look at what is already there. Scholarly work can be a way to test your theory or give you more information for your research. Also, most scholarly work has been through peer review and/or the scientific method, which are both very strict processes. Social SciencePsychology