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Gender stereotypes and gender role assignment have a significant impact on gender development in young children. The Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) proposes that children learn gender roles and stereotypes through observation, imitation, and reinforcement. Children may also learn gender roles and stereotypes through media and cultural messages. Social Role Theory (SRT) suggests that gender roles are determined by social structure and expectations (Santrock et al., 2020).  

Research has shown that gender stereotypes and gender role assignment can lead to restrictive gender development, which can negatively impact a child’s sense of self and limit their potential. For example, boys who are encouraged to be aggressive and dominant may struggle with emotional regulation and empathy, while girls who are encouraged to be passive and nurturing may struggle with assertiveness and leadership. This is why it is important for parents to be mindful in pushing gender stereotypes onto their children and give them the freedom to explore for themselves (Birmingham University, n.d.).

In recent years, our concept of gender identity has broadened, and we have moved beyond the strict categorizations of “male” vs. “female.” There is a growing recognition that gender is not binary and that individuals may identify as whatever they choose. The gender spectrum acknowledges that gender is a complex and fluid construct and that individuals may identify with various expressions and identities. 

This broadening of our concept of gender identity has been accompanied by increased acceptance and support for individuals whose identities are not traditional. There has been a growing movement to recognize and affirm the diversity of gender identity, which has led to changes in laws, policies, and social norms. For example, some states and countries have introduced laws that allow individuals to choose their gender on official documents, and many organizations and institutions have introduced gender-neutral restrooms and pronoun policies including schools (Francis et al., 2022). 

In conclusion, gender stereotypes and gender role assignment can have a significant impact on gender development in young children. However, our concept of gender identity has evolved in recent years, and we have moved beyond the strict categorizations of “male” vs. “female.” There is a growing recognition that gender is a complex and fluid construct and that individuals may identify with various expressions and identities. As a society, we must continue to support and affirm the diversity of gender identity and work towards creating more inclusive and accepting environments for all individuals. 


QTTC: Do you think there should be age restrictions on gender affirming surgical procedures? 


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Santrock, J., Deater-Deckard, K., & Lansford, J. (2020). Child Development: An Introduction (15th ed.). McGraw-Hill Higher Education (US). 

Birmingham City University. (n.d.) Gender stereotypes in childhood: what’s the harm? Retrieved from 

Francis, J., Sachan, P., Waters, Z., Trapp, G., Pearce, N., Burns, S., Lin, A., & Cross, D. (2022). Gender-Neutral Toilets: A Qualitative Exploration of Inclusive School Environments for Sexuality and Gender Diverse Youth in Western Australia. International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(16), 10089.