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Review the results from the EFL assessment of a learner below: …

Review the results from the EFL assessment of a learner below: 

The learner’s result from the EFL assessment indicates that he is performing at a basic level in all areas across communication, daily living skills, social skills, and motor skills. Within the communication area, the learner is able to communicate their wants and needs through verbal and non-verbal communication (e.g. using one or two words to describe what they need, pointing to the object, or gesturing with their hands). They can identify and name some objects and follow simple directions but have difficulty understanding more complex language. 


Within the daily living skills area, the learner is able to complete basic daily living activities with minimal assistance (e.g. dressing, brushing teeth, and eating independently). They can also identify some objects, such as toys and clothing, but struggle to complete more complex tasks such as meal preparation. In terms of social skills, the learner is able to interact with adults and peers in a positive manner. They can initiate conversations, take turns in conversations, and follow basic social rules but with some difficulty to attention. The learner has difficulty understanding non-verbal cues and responding appropriately. In terms of motor skills: the learner is able to demonstrate basic gross and fine motor skills, such as running, jumping, throwing, and catching.

Goals and Goal Objectives 

The following goals and objectives should be included in the student’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP): Increase the learner’s ability to understand and follow more complex language, improve the learner’s ability to complete more complex daily living tasks with minimal assistance, strengthen the learner’s ability to understand non-verbal cues and respond appropriately and, develop the learner’s ability to complete more complex motor tasks.

For example, language-building activities can be used to help the student understand and follow more complex language while modeling and prompting can be used to help the student learn more complex daily living tasks. Additionally, role-playing activities can be used to help the student understand and respond appropriately to non-verbal cues, and fine motor activities can be used to help the student develop their motor skills. Through the implementation of these goals and objectives, the student will be able to improve their skills in all areas and become more independent.


Please create 5 goals for the learner as shown in the example below that fits the description of the learners deficits above:


Goal 1: When an adult verbally instructs him to complete  task or chore in the household setting, David will complete either a one or two-step verbal request of the adults asking with an accuracy of 90%, with 100% independence, and measured across two or more sessions. 


Goal 2: When verbally instructed by an adult in the home setting to take a break or engage in another chore or task to self-regulate, David will display self-regulation techniques (e.g., taking a break from his current task, engaging in a calming activity of his choice, or deep breathing) with an accuracy of 100%, with 100% independence and measured across 4 or 5 sessions.