Answered step-by-step
Scenario In a Foundation classroom, the teacher schedules time in…


In a Foundation classroom, the teacher schedules time in the day where the children are seated at shared tables of six to complete their lessons and other times when they can select play-based learning activities and work on the floor, or at smaller tables.

These activities include materials such as construction sets, card games, drawing, and numeracy and literacy loose parts. The teacher takes this time to support some of the children who need additional learning support with the lesson.

Grace, Chi and Prianka are three friends who are effective learners but sometimes avoid some of the other children, especially during the play activities. Priyanka’s mother has informed the teacher that she is being bullied at this time by some of the other children. The teacher is surprised by this information and considers options for improving the situation.


Analysis of the scenario in relation to theoretical perspectives:

This scenario portrays various concerns within this environment. The children within this social environment, their families, friends and teachers all create a circle of support for the development of these children, humanism is evident in this. We can observe that children as a whole need to have their needs met for them to grow and develop and it’s evident in this scenario this is not occurring (Tony Campana, 2011). Inabilities to work independently and collaboratively in this scenario show a different level of need that is required.

The use of sociocultural theories in this scenario is evident, in particular, the use of Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological model of development. According to

Duchesne et al., (2018), Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological model of development consists of four elements that can influence development. These are person, process, context and time. Person being how the characteristics of the student interact, process relating to consistency within the educational environment, context meaning environments where the students are involved and lastly time, which relates to the stability in experiences (Duchesne et al., 2018).

Several factors are affecting the learning environment in this scenario. First, bullying is an issue, as Priyanka’s mother has informed us that she is being bullied during play activities. Second, grace, Chi and Priyanka avoid some children, indicating a need for more socialisation and collaboration. Third, the teacher’s approach of providing additional learning support to some children may create a divide among the class, leading to feelings of exclusion among specific children. Overall, the learning environment is negatively affected by bullying, socialisation, and exclusion.



Apply a theoretical perspective to the scenario:

Behaviourism is a psychological theory of learning associated with the work of B. F. Skinner, who believed that behaviour results from environmental stimuli and the consequences of the behaviour. The basic idea of behaviourism is that behaviour can be conditioned and reinforced through rewards and punishments. The focus is on the observable behaviour of the individual rather than on the internal cognitive processes.
In this scenario, the teacher attempts to give the children various learning opportunities, including time spent at shared tables and engaging in play-based activities. This learning environment is consistent with the behaviourist perspective, as the teacher provides structured and supervised activities with clear expectations and rewards for appropriate behaviour. The teacher also provides individualised attention and support to some children who need additional help.
Teaching strategies informed by the behaviourist perspective include providing clear expectations and rules, providing consistent rewards for appropriate behaviour, and providing immediate feedback and corrective action for inappropriate behaviour. The teacher could also structure activities to provide opportunities for positive reinforcement, such as providing prizes or rewards for successfully completing tasks or offering additional playtime for displaying appropriate behaviour. Finally, the teacher could provide individualised attention and support to children needing additional help.



The Most benefitsTheory is applied to the following scenario: 
Based on the scenario, the Humanist perspective offers the most effective solution. Humanism emphasises the importance of creating a supportive and nurturing environment to foster personal growth and self-fulfilment, which is essential to helping Priyanka address the bullying she is experiencing. Additionally, humanism focuses on the individual’s internal cognitive processes and beliefs rather than their behaviour, which will help the teacher better understand and address the underlying issues associated with bullying. Finally, humanism emphasises the importance of autonomy and self-direction, which will allow Priyanka to develop the skills and confidence she needs to combat the bullying she is experiencing.



Answer Q1, Q2, and Q3 and follow the approximate word allocations for each section to guide your process based on all the above information.



Q1- What are the limitations of humanism theoretical perspectives that best explain what is happening in this scenario by giving some examples? (100 word)




Q2- Write an improved scenario ( 300 words)

Using the new understanding gained of the benefits and limitations of the humanism theoretical perspective, write an improved scenario that meets the learning requirements of all the children through the humanism theory.

Ensure that your new scenario:

aligns with humanism theory
enables learning for all the children
includes factors that contribute to effective learning environments (such as time, resources, and space).
includes teaching tools and strategies that align with humanism theory.
includes recommendations for how the environment could be improved




Q3- Reflection (350 words)

Reflect on experience working on this task and your learning in EDU10004 Theories of Teaching and Learning unit.

Include the following in your reflection:

Identify your key learnings and any benefits or challenges you encountered during this experience and during this task. What worked? What didn’t work? How could you link this back to a teaching theory?
Make comparisons between your learning, what you now understand about learning theories, and how you now view the role of the teacher.