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Select one of the main components of the strategic planning…

Select one of the main components of the strategic planning process. Components include: mission statement, vision statement, values statement or guiding principles, SWOT analysis, competitive advantage, long-term strategic objectives, strategies, short-term goals/priorities/initiatives, and action items/plans. Describe the importance of the component you selected, who it benefits, and how it might work within the HCBHC’s strategic planning process.

Then, compare and contrast ways to create organizational support for the component of the strategic plan that you selected.

The Harbor City Behavioral Health Center (HCBHC) positions itself as a facility dedicated to providing mental health services to its patient populations. The facility points out the pride of its position as one of the fastest growing healthcare groups in the mental health sector through its collaborative group of skilled and collegial behavior practitioners. However, the facility presents some operational gaps, particularly in its efforts to expand access to mental health care in its areas of operation. The non-profit Harbor City Behavioral Health Center (HCBHC) offers mental health and drug abuse services to locals in the Harbor City neighborhood. The facility’s goals are to give patients high-quality care and enhance the general health of the neighborhood. Based on the Annual Report, Corporate Note, and other learning tools, this report will evaluate HCBHC’s performance and pinpoint areas that require improvement. Also, it will cover how shifting patterns in the community’s demand for services could affect the strategic plans of the organization.

HCBHC needs to improve its efforts of increasing access to mental health care services among its customer segments. A review of the media providing information about the mental health facility reveals its over-reliance on infrastructure to enhance access. The facility must focus more on processes than infrastructure to expand its reach. Sagar-Ouriaghli et al. (2019) explain that most mental health facilities focus on increasing the number of psychiatrists rather than adopting swift, efficient, and technologically driven operations to enhance service delivery. Conversely, Titov et al. (2019) propose task shifting to increase access to mental health services. In this case, the facility could use physician assistants (PAs) with specialized training in mental health to enhance its team. However, the PAs need to work under the supervision of qualified psychiatrists in shifting care of the uncomplicated service seekers. 

In several categories, including wait times, provider communication, and medication management, the patient satisfaction scores for HCBHC were worse than the national average, according to the Annual Report. To boost patient happiness and raise the standard of service, these areas must be improved. The retention of patients and the organization’s reputation can be impacted by patient satisfaction, which is a crucial indicator of the quality of care. To ensure that patients are seen promptly, it could be necessary to hire more employees or streamline procedures to reduce wait times. 

The HCBHC can spend money on communication training for providers or hire more providers who are proficient communicators to alleviate the communication problem. By putting in place drug reconciliation procedures and educating patients on how to utilize their prescriptions properly, medication management can also be improved.

The organization’s financial performance is another area that must be improved. The Annual Report states that HCBHC incurred a net loss for the year, which could have an adverse effect on the organization’s capacity to offer services. To deal with this problem, HCBHC should evaluate its revenue sources and think about putting cost-cutting measures in place to enhance its financial performance. To boost its earnings, the group can also investigate new funding options like grants or collaborations with other organizations.

Second, the media presented on HCBHC fails to reveal the facility’s dedication to enhancing safety and reducing harm. As Titov et al. (2019) explain, adversely affected mental health patients tend to develop ideations of self-harm and suicide. In particular, such patients face a range of vulnerabilities that may yield a range of safety issues. HCBHC needs to reveal its mechanisms to minimize harm and its institutional strategies for inculcating patient safety skills among its physicians. 

Lastly, the brochure must demystify how the facility handles the legal issues surrounding forensic patients with mental ailments. Titov et al. (2019) underscore the importance of adopting a multi-stakeholder coordination approach when dealing with mentally ill patients facing the legal system. The fact that the media presented does not reveal how the facility deals with such patients reveals its inadequacies. 

The summary report fails to provide exhaustive information on the mechanisms it has adopted to instill self-management among its patients. Sagar-Ouriaghli et al. (2019) applaud self-management as a healing strategy among mentally ill populations based on enhancing the patient’s confidence and developing their abilities to manage their mental states. Conversely, Titov et al. (2019) explain that patients empowered to self-manage are most likely to minimize their contact with the primary care system and reduce their psychiatric symptoms.

The demographic information on patients is one area of the Annual Report where more data is needed. The report gives only a few demographic details on the patient population, such as age and gender, but it omits details about other aspects including race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic level. This data is necessary to evaluate if HCBHC is providing care to a diverse population and to spot any inequities in access to care. The organization can better tailor its services to the community’s requirements by gathering this data.

The aging baby boomer generation and the rise in adolescent substance addiction are two local factors that the corporate memo identified as potentially having an impact on the future of HCBHC. Given that older persons are more likely to experience mental health illnesses like sadness and anxiety, the aging baby boomer generation will probably result in an increase in the need for mental health services. To fulfill the demands of this demographic, HCBHC should think about extending its offerings. It should also make sure that it has enough staff to handle the resulting rise in demand.

Another trend that HCBHC must address is the rise in adolescent substance misuse. Drug misuse is a serious public health problem with potential long-term effects on people and communities. To solve this issue, HCBHC could think about creating programs that are especially suited for teens. To spread knowledge about substance misuse and offer tools for prevention and treatment, the organization can also collaborate with educational institutions and other community-based organizations.

Sagar-Ouriaghli et al. (2019) explain that the prevalence and prognosis of mental health issues a psychiatric facility faces are strongly connected to community-level factors. As such, there are tendencies that the community trends in the environment in which HCBHC operates will dictate its operational trajectory. For instance, the facility will most likely promote scalability, accessibility, affordability, and acceptability as the surrounding communities continue accepting the importance of mental health services. On the other hand, the facility’s operations may shrink if the surrounding communities ignore the need for mental health care or stigmatize patients seeking such services. 

Data privacy and security are one assessment concern connected to fulfilling regulatory standards. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), which establishes guidelines for safeguarding individuals’ private health information, must be complied with by HCBHC. To ensure compliance with HIPAA rules, the organization should evaluate its policies and practices relating to data privacy and security. This could entail putting in place technical measures like secure electronic health records and instructing workers on how to handle data properly.

In summary, HCBHC is an essential organization in the Harbor City neighborhood that offers essential services for substance misuse and mental health. The patient demographic data gathering process, financial performance, and patient satisfaction scores are just a few of the areas that could use better. The aging baby boomer demographic and the rise in adolescent drug misuse are two concerns that the HCBHC should address. The firm should evaluate its data privacy and security policies and procedures to ensure regulatory compliance. To continue offering the community it serves with high-quality treatment, HCBHC must address these areas for development and adjust in accordance with local trends.


Sagar-Ouriaghli, I., Godfrey, E., Bridge, L., Meade, L., & Brown, J. S. (2019). Improving mental health service utilization among men: a systematic review and synthesis of behavior change techniques within interventions targeting help-seeking. American journal of men’s health, 13(3), 1557988319857009. Retrieved March 23, 2023, from: 

Titov, N., Hadjistavropoulos, H. D., Nielssen, O., Mohr, D. C., Andersson, G., & Dear, B. F. (2019). From research to practice: ten lessons in delivering digital mental health services. Journal of clinical medicine, 8(8), 1239. Retrieved March 23, 2023, from: