Answered step-by-step
Spatial summation usually causes things to appear very sharp and…

Spatial summation usually causes things to appear very sharp and clear.

Question 11 options:



Dogs do not perceive the world in color.

Question 12 options:



SELECT ALL THAT APPLY  – Which of the following will show maximum firing responses in a receptive field?

Question 13 options:

  Shining a light in the center of an on center ganglion cell.
  Shining a light in the surround of an off center ganglion cell.
  Shining a light in the center of an off center ganglion cell.
  Shining a light in the surround of an on center ganglion cell.


The area that starts with visual associations rather than processing the input is known as

Question 15 options:



The pathway leading from occipital cortex to temporal cortex is called the

Question 16 options:

  “where” system or dorsal stream.
  “what” system or ventral stream.
  “what” system or dorsal stream.
  “where” system or ventral stream.


Wiesel and Hubel (1963) deprived kittens of visual experience in one eye (monocular deprivation). The other eye allowed the kittens to interact normally with their environment. Later, Wiesel and Hubel looked at the receptive fields of neurons in the kittens’ V1s. What did they find?

Question 17 options:

  Genetic factors were the largest predictor of vision in cats.
  Monocular deprivation resulted in a reduction in the number of cells that responded to the deprived eye and fewer cells that responded to both eyes.
  Monocular deprivation appeared to change the cats’ visual behavior without altering receptive fields in the cats’ visual cortexes.
  Only when both eyes were deprived of visual input was there any change in function.


Monkeys who received lesions in the parietal lobe showed deficits in ______.

Question 18 options:

  all aspects of visual processing
  an object recognition task, but not a spatial location task
  a spatial location task, but not an object recognition task
  none of the above


How does crossover of information work as the optic chiasm?

Question 19 options:

  The contralateral nasal and the ipsilateral temporal side of the optic nerve become the optic tract.
  The contralateral nasal and temporal side of the optic nerve become the optic tract.
  The ipsilateral nasal and temporal side of the optic nerve become the optic tract.
  The ipsilateral nasal and the contralateral temporal side of the optic nerve become the optic tract.


Information from the contralateral eye goes to which layers of the thalamus?

Question 20 options:

  4, 5, 6
  1, 2, 3
  1, 4, 6
  2, 3, 5


Individuals who have damage to the superior colliculus  are most likely going to show problems with eye movements with one type being

Question 21 options:

  visual neglect.
  Parinaud’s syndrome.