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Student Name:   Job Analysis and Career Plan              …

Student Name:  

Job Analysis and Career Plan     




To conduct the assignment, you will be researching careers of interest to you.

If you aren’t yet sure what career you are interested in, please visit the “I’m not really sure” assessment from My Next Move ( to help you with this first step. Complete the assessment and choose two careers to target.


The next step will be to conduct a matrix of information that will combine information about your chosen career path with steps you need to take to reach your goal.  Information from the above website will inform you on how to fill out the matrix. To make your matrix, please visit:  This website will help you search by industry. Use the yellow section on the main page. You will learn about Holland Codes on O*Net this week. In addition, practice using one of O*Net’s other search functions based on the SKILLS that you learned in your major. UMGC has gathered numerous general and career-specific resources grouped by industry. The career-specific links can also introduce you to internship opportunities.


Information from the above links will inform your answers to the questions in the matrix below. Please review the examples and delete them before adding your own information and submitting your assignment.

List one potential career goal or career path based on your degree program or current career. 


I want to become a Music/Entertainment Producer. I will own and run a production company that works with and develops talent in the entertainment industry. 

Describe your personal motivation and interest in this career. Consider compensation, flexibility, responsibility, type of work, your history, your interests and skills, and an abbreviated career description as it relates to my goals/wants.


I come from a family full of singers, so it was natural for me to become interested in music. Growing up, I also developed a love for the arts in its other forms. I started acting and participating in stage plays and independent films, recording music in professional studios, and ultimately earning writing and production credits on two different music albums. The technical aspect of the arts is what keeps me interested and wanting to learn as much as I can, in order to grow and maintain my business. 


List the median pay and job growth outlook for each career path. Use the   website to find this information.


Describe the impact of this information.



Median Pay:  $71,620 per year (US Bureau of Labor Statistics)

Job Outlook:  $12% (Percentage rate of producer jobs that are growing faster than other jobs, US Bureau of Labor Statistics)


Becoming a Music/Entertainment Producer will grant me the opportunity to work with top-notch talent and discover new talent. Entertainment production jobs are set to grow 12% between 2016-2026. Most of these positions are offered in California or Georgia. However, I would like to take my education and talent across the world. Networking with different crowds of professionals can give me a chance to learn, be it can also be a catalyst for my career as a whole.

**Do NOT cut and paste a job description. This is not what we are looking for here. **


What are the requirements and jobs skills needed to be successful? What skills do you still need? How could you get them? Consider, but don’t be limited to the following:

Communication skills
Technical / discipline-specific skills
Personal values
Cognitive abilities
Physical abilities
Social skills
Creative skills



Job Requirements:

A bachelor’s degree.
Musical skills – I need to be able to write, arrange, produce, and record songs for artists
Communication skills – with peers, talent, and the audience. I need to be able to speak to large groups as well as have excellent writing skills. I need to be able to communicate with business people and industry professionals to promote my clients effectively. I need to be able to communicate need needs of the talent as well as understand the wants of the fans.
Knowledge of the industry and/or background of the genre of music and the target audience. This is important for marketing and publicity
Critical thinking – I need to critically assess the state of the industry so can I continually reinvented myself, to produce fresh concepts
Time management – There are multiple competing demands on a music producer, so time management is a must.
Sales and social media savvy – half of music producing is the music, the other half is sales.


I still need:

Additional education – Bachelor’s Degree in Business or Mass Communications
Sales and negotiation skills. I like to work with people, but I need additional practice with the give and take of negotiation.


What should be in your plan to reach this career goal? Consider the following:

Current education
Further education
Career services
Social Media Presence
Work experience



Current Education: I have completed more than half of the required courses for my bachelor’s degree.
Future Education:  BS in Business Administration. I expect to graduate in fall of next year. A master’s degree in music production or music technology is also another avenue I can explore if I decide in the future that I need additional technical or business skills.
Mentor: I should seek a mentor. Being mentored by a current industry professional will give me access to a network of people
Volunteer/Intern: I am currently seeking an internship with my local radio station to gain field experience.
Volunteer/Intern: Any additional internships would be helpful to explore the administrative, audio, and creative aspects of the field
Professional Organizations: I should seek out and join professional organization that best align with my goals. I am considering RIAA, the Recording Industry Association of America and AARC, the Alliance of Artists and Recording Companies.


What first steps can lead to your long-term goal?

What job titles might you seek upon graduation?
What starting salary range might you expect?
Will you need any special certifications or qualifications at that time, if so what?
If you need any additional training at entry level what is it, when and where might you get it?
What career path or job titles might get you to your long-term goal?



Complete an internship. I need an internship to gain experience. I would like to become an intern at a radio station or for an independent film maker.
Job titles to seek upon graduation: Producer, Associate Producer, Production Assistant, Audio/Visual Technician
Starting salary: Producers get to make their own salary, based on the asking price for the job. The average starting salary is $13,000 per year. (
Special Certifications: N/a
Additional training: I may need additional technical training in arts/music engineering, recording equipment.
Additional job title to seek: Executive Producer, Producer