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submit 3 event sampling observations along with your guidance plan…

submit 3 event sampling observations along with your guidance plan implemented with one toddler in the classroom that reflects a cognitive developmental guidance plan. The guidance plan i am using is listed down below.


All guidance and discipline procedures are given to staff at new staff orientation and formally
covered with time built in for discussion to ensure understanding of the importance
of the discipline policies and proper behavior guidance protocols. (NAEYC 1B.9)
When any child at Hiersteiner exhibits challenging behavior, teaching staff shall follow the
standards of the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC):
? Observe the children to identify events, activities, interactions, and other factors that
predict and may contribute to challenging behavior.
? Teaching staff shall focus on teaching the child social, communication, and emotional
regulation skills and using environmental modifications, activity modifications, adult or
peer support, and other teaching strategies to support the child’s appropriate behavior.
? Teaching staff shall respond to challenging behavior, including physical aggression, in a
manner that provides for the child’s safety and the safety of others in the classroom. Our
response will be calm, respectful and give the child information on what is acceptable
behavior and what is not.
? We will document the challenging behaviors and the intervention methods that were
attempted in a log. Documentation may include incident reports, ABC charts, or Behavior
Plans. ? Teacher-parent discussions regarding a child’s behavior shall be held in private. They
shall focus on working as a team to develop and implement an individualized plan that
supports the child’s inclusion and success.
? If necessary, intervention shall include information about professional services, such as
referrals to community agencies offering early intervention services, community mental
health centers, and/or the Family Conservancy..
? All discipline decisions will be individualized and appropriate to each child’s
understanding level and specific needs.
Despite these efforts, some children may continue to exhibit significant, challenging behaviors.
The following steps will be completed if a child exhibits challenging behaviors (NAEYC 1E.1,
? In situations that constitute an imminent danger to the child or others; the first step taken
would be to provide a separate and safe place for the child exhibiting the behavior(s)
and the other children and staff in the classroom.
? Make a referral to an early childhood mental health specialist or the Family Conservancy
and refer to the child’s local school district responsible for early childhood special
education services.
? Maintain documentation on file of the incident’s outcomes, subsequent parent
conference, and the plan developed that includes appropriate intervention strategies.
The parent conference’s purpose is to create a plan jointly with the family and available
resources to address the specific behaviors that constitute an imminent danger
(recurring violence, behavior, or aggression).
? If a child continues to exhibit persistent, severe challenging behavior that creates an
environment that is unsafe themselves, other children, or the teachers, Hiersteiner may
terminate childcare services for that child.
? For a child with an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) or an Individualized
Education Program (IEP), Hiersteiner will follow rules and regulations implementing the
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Parts B and C. Hiersteiner will follow
all state special education rules and regulations governing suspension or expulsion.
Hiersteiner Child Development Center does not condone or tolerate the use of physical
punishment of any kind on the HCDC or JCCC property for any reason. This policy restricts staff
from using physical punishment on children. Also, Hiersteiner will not tolerate psychological
abuse, coercion, threats, derogatory remarks, withholding, or threatening to withhold food as a
form of discipline.
Per NAEYC and KDHE requirements to have examples of prohibited discipline listed, examples
include physical punishment: shaking, hitting, spanking, slapping; etc. and include also making
a child remain inactive for a long period time. Examples of psychological abuse: shaming, name
calling, humiliation, seclusion, frightening a child, etc. Examples of coercion: rough handling
(shoving, pushing, grasping body part) or physical restraint (forcing a child to sit, lie, or stay
down) except when necessary to protect the child or others from harm. (NAEYC 1B.8, 1B.10)