Answered step-by-step
Submit a 1- to 2-page reflection in which you comprehensively…

Submit a 1- to 2-page reflection in which you comprehensively respond to the following:

What have you learned about yourself based on the Feedback Journal?
What is your goal for Graduate Writing II? (Review your Feedback Journal for patterns and identify at least one specific goal.)
Why is this goal important to you at this point in your program?

Feedback Journal: Graduate Writing I

Name: Mofoluwakemi Johnson


Use this journal to record the writing feedback you receive. Please update and submit this table by Day 7 of Weeks 2 through 5.


Date Piece of writing (title, description, etc.) Area where excelled  Issue to work on Resources to review

Plan for revision / future writing


Optional:  Questions to ask the instructor or the Writing Center

3/11/2023 Cultural Competency as a multicultural Female immigrant[KJ1] . Writing how I can improve my cultural competency with my clients. My instructor gave feedback that my essay is a good base to work with. Indent paragraphs, Format for In-Text citations. Providing closure in my paragraphs. Citing sources properly. Walden University Writing Center. APA style and Citation Terms Should I resubmit the corrected version of my essay through email.
  My essay focuses on how to be a culturally competent supervisor during consultation and supervision. How to practice self-awareness during supervision with multicultural groups. I had at least more than two paragraphs in my essay and gave citations. I need to work on writing a concrete essay.

Working on my grammar and punctuations. Using the right paper layout.

I would be using the Walden University Writing Center.

How do I get templates from the writing center? Essay and annotate bibliography templates?
3/20/2023  The title of the article is Waiting for the expert to arrive: Using a community of practice to develop the scholarly identity of doctoral students links to an external site. This week I focused on Paraphrasing the purpose statement of the study conducted by Coffman et al (2016). The authors conducted independent research which was a qualitative study using doctoral students to determine whether a community of practice can be used to support doctoral students in developing a scholarly identity. Paraphrasing aids in comprehension, stimulating prior knowledge and assist in writing skills development . Through paraphrasing I was able to identify the gap and the phenomenon, identified population the authors had used.  I read the article multiple times to understand the article, this affected my Speed and accuracy. Also, I want to ensure that during paraphrasing I am not using the quotes directly from the article. I am still working on ensuring I am using the APA format, most especially format for In-Text citations and citing sources properly. My instructor had asked what do I mean by the author’s “purpose statement” or is this a thesis? My response to my instructor is that a purpose statement is the central idea in a study by identifying the phenomenon.  I would be using the learning resources provided every week and peer to peer review journals (journals or articles provided in the school library) on the components of paraphrasing. Also, I would be using the Walden University Writing Center, exploring articles on paraphrasing.

Dr Ray, please share more articles on effective paraphrasing. Also how do we paraphrase without distorting the main idea in the article given.

I have not used any resources available through the writing center.


Coffman et al. (2016) study revealed that a community of practice plays a vital role in the development of the scholarly identity of doctoral students. It found that the community of practice provided an environment for doctoral students to engage in collaborative learning, share ideas and expertise, and develop a sense of belonging. The community of practice also enabled doctoral students to develop their academic and professional skills, such as critical thinking, research, and scholarly writing.

 Furthermore, the study found that the community of practice created opportunities for doctoral students to build relationships with faculty members, which provided support, guidance, and mentorship. These relationships helped doctoral students to develop their academic and professional identities and fostered a culture of continuous learning.


This week I was able to paraphrase with a scholarly voice. I was able to balance the use of technical language without compromising the clarity and avoiding plagiarizing the source material with accurately conveying the original text’s context. I was also able to pay attention to the specifics and being precise in paraphrasing. I must work on paraphrasing, striking the right balance in communicating the original idea and avoiding plagiarism. Also, using a comprehensive comprehension of the finding and the capacity to articulate various terms and expressions while preserving the intended meaning. In addition, I want to work on retaining a scholarly tone while using academic terminology when necessary and keeping the rules of academic writing in mind. Walden University Writing Center, exploring articles on paraphrasing. Please recommend articles on how to learn how to use the APA format on in-text citations.

 [KJ1]Good evening sir do I submit this every week with the corrected version of my essay.