Answered step-by-step
The five-factor model was developed through a combination of which…

The five-factor model was developed through a combination of which two approaches?

Question 6 options:


lexical and biological


theoretical and statistical


lexical and statistical


statistical and biological


Question 7 (0.9375 points)










Select the Correct Answer

Which of the following trait taxonomies includes a four-level hierarchy consisting of specific acts, habitual acts, narrow traits, and super traits?

Question 7 options:


Five-Factor Model

  Wiggins Circumplex Model

Eysenck’s Model of Personality


The HEXACO Model


Question 8 (0.9375 points)










Select the Correct Answer

According to Hans Eysenck’s personality taxonomy, a person who is antisocial and lacks empathy would most likely score high on which of the following traits?

Question 8 options:










Question 9 (0.9375 points)










Fill in the Blank

Most personality psychologists hypothesize that traits ___________.

Question 9 options:


are inconsistent over situations


are reasonably stable over time


are rarely enduring over time


are similar in all people


Question 10 (0.9375 points)










Select the Correct Answer

Which of the following is considered a problem with the five-factor model?

Question 10 options:


The model does not replicate in studies using English-language trait words as items.


There is uncertainty about the content, naming, and replicability of the fifth factor.


The five factors are found only in males.


Most factors do not replicate across cultures and languages.


Question 11 (0.9375 points)










Select the Correct Answer

Which of the following theories views a trait as a descriptive summary of the general trend in a person’s behavior?

Question 11 options:


The theory of sociosexual orientation


The act frequency approach


Eysenck’s theory


The theoretical approach


Question 12 (0.9375 points)










Select the Correct Answer

Which of the following best describes an attention check?

Question 12 options:

  An item/question that appears in more than one place throughout the personality assessment
  An item/question that all or almost all people will answer in a particular way
  An item/question embedded in the personality assessment that prompts participants to select a specific response as a way to detect their attention
  An item/question for which a high score indicates the opposite of the trait being assessed


Question 13 (0.9375 points)










Select the Correct Answer

The concept of rank order stability suggests that:

Question 13 options:


people differ from each other in meaningful ways.


a person maintains their relative position compared to others, in the context of a particular trait, over time.


if behavior varies across situations, then situational differences, and not personality traits, determine behavior.


personalities should show consistency from situation to situation.


Question 14 (0.9375 points)










Select the Correct Answer

In the context of person-situation interaction, the equation B = f (P × S):

Question 14 options:


shows that the appearance of a trait is related to an interaction between the phenotypes and the stereotypes.


is a way to determine heritability estimates for behavior of personalities in different situations.


indicates that behavior is primarily the result of personality and secondarily the result of situations.


suggests that behavior is a function of the interaction between personality traits and situational forces.


Question 15 (0.9375 points)










Select the Correct Answer

Which of the following is NOT considered a strength or advantage of the Hogan Personality Inventory?

Question 15 options:


It predicts a variety of business outcomes.

  It is based on the empirically supported five-factor model (Big Five).

It has high test-retest reliability. 


It is based on Carl Jung’s theory of psychological types.


Question 16 (0.9375 points)










Fill in the Blank

The idea that underlying personality traits are less important than immediate circumstances in determining behavior is known as ___________.

Question 16 options:


social desirability








Question 17 (0.9375 points)










Select the Correct Answer

People in general can show a change in certain traits as they get older, yet
those high (or low) on the trait will still be relatively higher (or lower) on
the trait compared to others at a later age.

This idea best describes which of the following?

Question 17 options:


Rank order stability




Consistency across situations


Person-situation interaction


Question 18 (0.9375 points)










Fill in the Blank

The tendency to choose the situations in which one finds oneself is known as ___________.

Question 18 options:


situational selection

  situational specificity


Question 19 (0.9375 points)










Fill in the Blank

In the context of person-situation interaction, individuals who intentionally use tactics like charm or coercion to influence others are most likely demonstrating the concept of ___________.

Question 19 options:








situational selection


Question 20 (0.9375 points)










Fill in the Blank

___________ is the process of adding up, or averaging, several single observations, resulting in a better (i.e., more reliable) measure of a personality trait than a single observation of behavior. 

Question 20 options:








Situational selection


Question 21 (0.9375 points)










Select the Correct Answer

The process of combining the three primary colors on a color wheel is a useful analogy for thinking about which of the following?

Question 21 options:


The range of a color spectrum varies with different human emotions


A few basic and primary traits are combined to recreate the unique qualities of every individual


The use of color therapy over an extended period of time changes the amount of a trait in an individual


Individuals’ uniqueness and diversity depend on the range of a color spectrum


Question 22 (0.9375 points)










Fill in the Blank

When seeking to distinguish between genuine and faked responses, a psychologist decides that a person who was actually faking was telling the truth. This results in ___________.

Question 22 options:


a false negative


a factor analysis


a false positive




Question 23 (0.9375 points)










Select the Correct Answer

On average, sensation seeking tends to decrease with age. This example best represents which of the following?

Question 23 options:

  Rank order instability
  Mean level stability
  Rank order stability
  Mean level change


Question 24 (0.9375 points)










Fill in the Blank

___________ can be defined as the continuities, consistencies, and stabilities in people over time and the ways in which people change over time.

Question 24 options:


Personality coherence


Rank order stability


Mean level stability


Personality development


Question 25 (0.9375 points)










Select the Correct Answer

Which of the following best describes personality coherence?

Question 25 options:


Maintaining rank order in relation to other individuals but changing the manifestations of the trait


Constancy of trait level over time


The consistencies and stabilities in traits as well as change in traits over time


The personality score of an individual person


Question 26 (0.9375 points)










Select the Correct Answer

Which of the following are considered the two defining qualities of personality change?

Question 26 options:

  Psychological & internal to the person

External to the person & enduring over time


Internal to the person & enduring over time


Internal to the person & manipulation of environment


Question 27 (0.9375 points)










Fill in the Blank

The traits of conscientiousness, neuroticism, extraversion, openness, and agreeableness all show ___________.

Question 27 options:


very low levels of stability from early childhood to adolescence


moderate to high levels of stability across time


poor test-retest correlations


very low levels of stability across time


Question 28 (0.9375 points)










Fill in the Blank

Personality changes observed in individuals due to the social times in which they live are referred to as ___________.

Question 28 options:


cohort effects


cultural stability coefficients


longitudinal predictors


factor loadings


Question 29 (0.9375 points)










Select the Correct Answer

Adults tend to show more agreeableness and conscientiousness with older age. These changes in personality are sometimes referred to as what?

Question 29 options:


Maturity principle

  Cohort effects

Impulse control



The five-factor model was developed through a combination of which two approaches?

Question 6 options:


lexical and biological


theoretical and statistical


lexical and statistical


statistical and biological


Question 7 (0.9375 points)










Select the Correct Answer

Which of the following trait taxonomies includes a four-level hierarchy consisting of specific acts, habitual acts, narrow traits, and super traits?

Question 7 options:


Five-Factor Model

  Wiggins Circumplex Model

Eysenck’s Model of Personality


The HEXACO Model


Question 8 (0.9375 points)










Select the Correct Answer

According to Hans Eysenck’s personality taxonomy, a person who is antisocial and lacks empathy would most likely score high on which of the following traits?

Question 8 options:










Question 9 (0.9375 points)










Fill in the Blank

Most personality psychologists hypothesize that traits ___________.

Question 9 options:


are inconsistent over situations


are reasonably stable over time


are rarely enduring over time


are similar in all people


Question 10 (0.9375 points)










Select the Correct Answer

Which of the following is considered a problem with the five-factor model?

Question 10 options:


The model does not replicate in studies using English-language trait words as items.


There is uncertainty about the content, naming, and replicability of the fifth factor.


The five factors are found only in males.


Most factors do not replicate across cultures and languages.


Question 11 (0.9375 points)










Select the Correct Answer

Which of the following theories views a trait as a descriptive summary of the general trend in a person’s behavior?

Question 11 options:


The theory of sociosexual orientation


The act frequency approach


Eysenck’s theory


The theoretical approach


Question 12 (0.9375 points)










Select the Correct Answer

Which of the following best describes an attention check?

Question 12 options:

  An item/question that appears in more than one place throughout the personality assessment
  An item/question that all or almost all people will answer in a particular way
  An item/question embedded in the personality assessment that prompts participants to select a specific response as a way to detect their attention
  An item/question for which a high score indicates the opposite of the trait being assessed


Question 13 (0.9375 points)










Select the Correct Answer

The concept of rank order stability suggests that:

Question 13 options:


people differ from each other in meaningful ways.


a person maintains their relative position compared to others, in the context of a particular trait, over time.


if behavior varies across situations, then situational differences, and not personality traits, determine behavior.


personalities should show consistency from situation to situation.


Question 14 (0.9375 points)










Select the Correct Answer

In the context of person-situation interaction, the equation B = f (P × S):

Question 14 options:


shows that the appearance of a trait is related to an interaction between the phenotypes and the stereotypes.


is a way to determine heritability estimates for behavior of personalities in different situations.


indicates that behavior is primarily the result of personality and secondarily the result of situations.


suggests that behavior is a function of the interaction between personality traits and situational forces.


Question 15 (0.9375 points)










Select the Correct Answer

Which of the following is NOT considered a strength or advantage of the Hogan Personality Inventory?

Question 15 options:


It predicts a variety of business outcomes.

  It is based on the empirically supported five-factor model (Big Five).

It has high test-retest reliability. 


It is based on Carl Jung’s theory of psychological types.


Question 16 (0.9375 points)










Fill in the Blank

The idea that underlying personality traits are less important than immediate circumstances in determining behavior is known as ___________.

Question 16 options:


social desirability








Question 17 (0.9375 points)










Select the Correct Answer

People in general can show a change in certain traits as they get older, yet
those high (or low) on the trait will still be relatively higher (or lower) on
the trait compared to others at a later age.

This idea best describes which of the following?

Question 17 options:


Rank order stability




Consistency across situations


Person-situation interaction


Question 18 (0.9375 points)










Fill in the Blank

The tendency to choose the situations in which one finds oneself is known as ___________.

Question 18 options:


situational selection

  situational specificity


Question 19 (0.9375 points)










Fill in the Blank

In the context of person-situation interaction, individuals who intentionally use tactics like charm or coercion to influence others are most likely demonstrating the concept of ___________.

Question 19 options:








situational selection


Question 20 (0.9375 points)










Fill in the Blank

___________ is the process of adding up, or averaging, several single observations, resulting in a better (i.e., more reliable) measure of a personality trait than a single observation of behavior. 

Question 20 options:








Situational selection


Question 21 (0.9375 points)










Select the Correct Answer

The process of combining the three primary colors on a color wheel is a useful analogy for thinking about which of the following?

Question 21 options:


The range of a color spectrum varies with different human emotions


A few basic and primary traits are combined to recreate the unique qualities of every individual


The use of color therapy over an extended period of time changes the amount of a trait in an individual


Individuals’ uniqueness and diversity depend on the range of a color spectrum


Question 22 (0.9375 points)










Fill in the Blank

When seeking to distinguish between genuine and faked responses, a psychologist decides that a person who was actually faking was telling the truth. This results in ___________.

Question 22 options:


a false negative


a factor analysis


a false positive




Question 23 (0.9375 points)










Select the Correct Answer

On average, sensation seeking tends to decrease with age. This example best represents which of the following?

Question 23 options:

  Rank order instability
  Mean level stability
  Rank order stability
  Mean level change


Question 24 (0.9375 points)










Fill in the Blank

___________ can be defined as the continuities, consistencies, and stabilities in people over time and the ways in which people change over time.

Question 24 options:


Personality coherence


Rank order stability


Mean level stability


Personality development


Question 25 (0.9375 points)










Select the Correct Answer

Which of the following best describes personality coherence?

Question 25 options:


Maintaining rank order in relation to other individuals but changing the manifestations of the trait


Constancy of trait level over time


The consistencies and stabilities in traits as well as change in traits over time


The personality score of an individual person


Question 26 (0.9375 points)










Select the Correct Answer

Which of the following are considered the two defining qualities of personality change?

Question 26 options:

  Psychological & internal to the person

External to the person & enduring over time


Internal to the person & enduring over time


Internal to the person & manipulation of environment


Question 27 (0.9375 points)










Fill in the Blank

The traits of conscientiousness, neuroticism, extraversion, openness, and agreeableness all show ___________.

Question 27 options:


very low levels of stability from early childhood to adolescence


moderate to high levels of stability across time


poor test-retest correlations


very low levels of stability across time


Question 28 (0.9375 points)










Fill in the Blank

Personality changes observed in individuals due to the social times in which they live are referred to as ___________.

Question 28 options:


cohort effects


cultural stability coefficients


longitudinal predictors


factor loadings


Question 29 (0.9375 points)










Select the Correct Answer

Adults tend to show more agreeableness and conscientiousness with older age. These changes in personality are sometimes referred to as what?

Question 29 options:


Maturity principle

  Cohort effects

Impulse control

