ChancellorDiscoveryPigeon26The following scenario is taken from ” Seven Case Studies of People…The following scenario is taken from “Seven Case Studies of People with Substance Abuse ProblemsLinks to an external site.”. (Some language and ideas may be offensive to some students but are included in an effort to depict clinical reality.  Direct statements by the client are noted in italics.) Read this Case Study as a description of a client presenting to you for substance abuse assessment:Reese is an 18-year-old single male who was born in Los Angeles, California, where he still liveswith his mother and his brother. His dad is a sales rep and is on the road during the week.”When he’s (Reese’s father) home on the weekend he just drinks and watches the ball games on TV. When he gets drunk he yells at me and my mom and throws stuff around the house. He  drinks all the time that he’s home but he can’t hold his booze. Like he’s a total lightweight. Mom also drinks. Watch out when they both get ‘lit.’ Man, the fur really flies. We’ve had the cops out several times. I just take off when they start gettin’ into it. I started drinking and smoking when I was 13, in the eighth grade. It was a total drag, not that any of the other grades were any better, but all the kids were talking about high school and the classes they were going to take, and me, I was just trying to figure out were I was gonna get money for my next pack of cigarettes. Now I smoke about a pack a day, plus a couple of joints too. I have a cup of coffee in the morning before school and that’s it. At night I’ll drink 3 or 4 beers plus a few shots of vodka. On the weekends is when I really get down to partying.I’ve played around with lots of stuff. You know, trying to see what’s out there. I’ve tried pot, coke, mescaline, XTC, mushrooms. I’ve even shot up a few times. It’s no big deal. When I’m partying, I like to mix things up a bit. Maybe do some tequila and mushrooms, depends on what’s going on and who’s around. If I drink too much I black out. I’ve even OD’d a few times. But, hey, it wasn’t any big deal or nothing. I do like speed though. If any drug is my favorite, aside from cigarettes and coffee, it’d be ‘speed.’I saw a doctor when I was eight. My folks took me. They said I was out of control. The doctor said I had attention deficit disorder and gave me Ritalin. It helped a little, I guess. I don’t know much about it. Right now, except for partying, I don’t take any medication.Then there’s my brother, a complete math ‘geek’. Always gotten good grades, never been in trouble; responsible, dependable, healthy and clean. He’s a parent’s dream and I’m his evil twin brother.”Based on the presented information, do you consider this a chemically dependent family in the biological sense? Upon what information shared by the client do you base this determination?Do you consider this a chemically dependent family in the contextual sense?  Upon what information shared by the client do you base this determination?Include Reference citation in-textSocial SciencePsychology