Answered step-by-step
The goal of the Reflection Papers is to have you consider what your…

The goal of the Reflection Papers is to have you consider what your experiences in the lab have taught you about the process of doing empirical research in psychology. For each, you should:

Briefly describe the kinds of roles and responsibilities you have done in the lab since either the start of the course, or your previous Reflection Paper.
Summarize the methodology and hypotheses of one project you are involved in as an RA. How far along is the project to completion?
Explain how one specific task you are working on is contributing to the broader hypothesis and methodology of the project you are involved in.
Reflect on what parts of being an RA you are (or are not) enjoying.
Reflect more generally on what you have learned about how psychology works as a science on the basis of your experiences.


Reflection Paper Rubric





This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome

Roles and Responsibilities

 described the roles and responsibilities you took as an RA since the previous Reflection Paper you submitted (or, if this is your first, since starting in the lab).


1 pts

Full Points

0 pts

No Marks



1 pts


This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome

Methods and Hypothesis of One Project

you described the hypothesis and main method of one of the projects you are involved in. If you have written about this project in a previous Reflection Paper, you have instead provided an update if any hypotheses or methods have changed.


1 pts

Full Points

0 pts

No Marks



1 pts


This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome


you described how your roles and responsibilities have furthered the project (e.g., in terms of data collection, literature review, recruitment, etc.).


1 pts

Full Points

0 pts

No Marks



1 pts


This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome

Role Reflection

, you described what parts of your role and responsibilities as an RA you are enjoying and/or finding difficult.


1 pts

Full Points

0 pts

No Marks



1 pts


This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome

How Psychology Works

 you articulated at least one new thing you learned about how psychology works as a science since your last Reflection Paper (or, if this is your first, since starting in the lab).


1 pts

Full Points

0 pts

No Marks



1 pts


This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome

All Components Present

You included your student name, student number, and a word count on the top of the document.


1 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks



1 pts


Total Points: 7



Make sure you know which condition the participant will be in on this visit by visiting the excel sheet on the desktop of the computer next to the printer titled “DAILY HABITS EXCEL SHEET
Make sure you color the corresponding visit in green (can do this before the participant shows up, because even if they don’t show up, they will miss this session anyways)
Make sure the correct survey is prepared on the iPad in the participant lab room.
This is the checklist you should move through to determine what surveys to give to participants
if it’s the participants first visit (e.g., they signed up for Part 1 on HSP)
 You should add their name to the excel sheet and  open the “Intake Survey” on the iPad. They will complete this survey first.
Regardless of whether or not it’s their first visit, check what condition they are assigned to using the info you gleaned from HSP (e.g., whether its their 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th visit), and the info on the excel sheet.
If gratitude, you will be using the “G survey” on iPad
If meditation, you will be using the”M survey” on iPad
If nature, you will be using the “N survey” on iPad
If phone, you will be using the “P survey” on iPad
If it is their final visit (e.g., Part 4)
Be aware you will have to give them the “Final survey” at the very end of this meeting (after they’ve completed the other tasks and surveys) and debrief them.


When the participant arrives, welcome them into the lab and take them to the participant room. 


If it is their first visit follow instructions, if not skip:


Tell them: “As part of this study, you will be asked to come into the lab on four separate occasions—this time and then three more times. At each of your lab visits, you will be asked to engage in a specific behavior and complete a set of surveys”
Confirm that they have signed up for 3 additional timeslots on HSP.
Hand them the iPad with the “Intake survey” already loaded. Ask them to read the consent form and let you know when they have finished. When they finish, if they do not have any questions, tell them they can click the continue button if they consent, and they can complete this initial survey. Tell them to let you know when they are finished (leave the room while they complete it).
From this point on, the procedure is the same as for participants who are on their second or third visit so follow the script below (aside from the very initial greeting stuff you’ve already done).


For participants on their second visit, or participants who just completed the Intake survey


Gratitude condition

Greet the participant and asking them to follow you into the participant room
Hand them the iPad with the “G survey” opened, and ask them to complete the survey until they reach the point at which the survey tells them to come get you (leave the room until they complete the survey, but it should only take them a minute to finish).
When they’ve finished the survey, tell them to put the iPad down and ask them to sit in front of the computer in the lab room.
Once they’ve sat down, tell them the following: For the next fifteen minutes, we would like you to engage in a gratitude journaling practice. All the instructions are here on the computer. Please write as much as possible, and do not use your cell phone. I will come get you when the 15 minutes are up.
Leave the room and set a 15-minute timer
When the 15-minute timer is finished, go into the room and ask them to click “submit” and to enter their HSP ID in the following question. Make sure they also click “submit” after entering their HSP ID.
When they’ve submitted their gratitude journal, ask them to sit back down on the comfier chair and then grab the iPad and click continue.
Pass them the iPad and ask them to complete the remaining survey questions.
Once they’ve finished, they are free to go (assuming it is not their last visit).


Meditation condition

Greet the participant and asking them to follow you into the participant room
Hand them the iPad with the “M survey” opened, and ask them to complete the survey until they reach the point at which the survey tells them to come get you (leave the room until they complete the survey, but it should only take them a minute to finish).
When they’ve finished the survey, tell them to put the iPad down and ask them to sit in front of the computer in the lab room.
Once they’ve sat down, tell them the following: “For the next fifteen minutes, we would like you to listen to a guided meditation recording. All the instructions will be in the recording. Please focus on the recording as much as possible, and do not use your cell phone. I will come get you when the 15 minutes are up”. Turn the “meditation recording” on on the lab computer.
Leave the room and set a 15-minute timer
When the 15-minute timer is finished, go back into the room and ask them to sit back down on the comfier chair and then grab the ipad and click continue.
Pass them the iPad and ask them to complete the remaining survey questions.
Once they’ve finished, they are free to go (assuming it is not their last visit).


Nature condition

Greet the participant and asking them to follow you into the participant room
Hand them the iPad with the “N survey” opened, and ask them to complete the survey until they reach the point at which the survey tells them to come get you (leave the room until they complete the survey, but it should only take them a minute to finish).
When they’ve finished the survey, tell them to put the iPad down and inform them that for this part of this study, they will be spending time in nature. They can bring all their items with them.
Walk to the nature setting and bring the iPad with you
When you get to the nature setting, tell them: “For the next fifteen minutes, we would like you to spend time walking around this forest area and focus on the natural environment. Please take five photos of nature with your cell phone during the 15 minutes, but do not use your phone for any other purposes. I will leave you alone in this environment, but will be back in fifteen minutes, so please meet me here in 15 minutes.
Leave the area and set a 15-minute timer
When the 15-minute timer is finished, go back to the meeting spot, and enter the password “1479” and click continue.
Pass them the iPad and ask them to complete the remaining survey questions (again just leave the area a little to give them some space).
Once they’ve finished, they are free to go (assuming it is not their last visit).

Phone condition

Greet the participant and asking them to follow you into the participant room
Hand them the iPad with the “P survey” opened, and ask them to complete the survey until they reach the point at which the survey tells them to come get you (leave the room until they complete the survey, but it should only take them a minute to finish).
When they’ve finished the survey, tell them to put the iPad down and ask them to sit in front of the computer in the lab room.
Once they’ve sat down, tell them the following: “For the next fifteen minutes, we would like you to spend the time using your cell phone in a way that you typically would if you had an extra 15 minutes. You are free to do whatever you’d like on your cell-phone, but it should be the typical stuff you would do if you had 15-minutes of time and you were passing the time by using your phone. I will come get you when the 15 minutes are up”
If they ask any questions just re-iterate they are free to use their phone however they’d like.
Leave the room and set a 15-minute timer
When the 15-minute timer is finished, go back into the room and ask them to sit back down on the comfier chair and then grab the iPad and enter the password and click continue.
Pass them the iPad and ask them to complete the remaining survey questions.
Once they’ve finished, they are free to go (assuming it is not their last visit).


If it is their last visit and they’ve completed the final portion of the last survey


If they just completed the nature condition and you are both in the forest area, walk back to the lab with them and go back to the participant room in the Happy lab.
If they’ve just completed the Meditation, Phone, or Gratitude condition, you are already in the participant room, so you can proceed to steps below: 


Once you are in the lab room

Make sure you have the iPad and you open up the “Final Survey”. Hand them the iPad and ask them to complete this final survey and tell them to let you know when they are finished
Once they have finished the final survey, come back into the lab room and sit down.
Ask them if they signed up for the 2-week follow up survey. If they have, let them know they will be emailed a survey in two weeks on the email they entered in the survey.
Now take the iPad from them and open up the “Debrief Form” by going to “Photos” and selecting the DEBRIEF album. It is the only photo in the album.
If they don’t have any questions, they are free to go.