karen2dayThe graph, charts and tables are findings on a research ” how does…The graph, charts and tables are findings on a research ” how does stressful working conditions affect the performance of JCF members at St. Ann and Hanover divisions.”You are required to explain , Analyse or compare the graphs, charts or Tables. I will use the information as a guide. The see attachment is below. It seems as if Course Hero does not want to do this. I have provided all the information that is required. I have no more attempt to submit please assist.Image transcription textChapter Four: Findings Quantitative Findings Figure 1: St. AnnHanover Gender Gender 0% 2% 26% Male Male 47% Female 51%Female 74% Other Other Figure 2: St. Ann Hanover R… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textFigure 3: St. Ann Hanover Marital Status Marital Status 4% 0% 2%Single 21% Single 41% Married 45% Married 55% DivorcedDivorced Other 32% Other Figure 4: St. Ann Hanover … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textTable 1: St. Ann Frequency Percentage % To which area are youcurrently assigned? Traffic Division 4 8.5 Administration 28 17.0Crime 8 59.6 Communications 7 149 Total 47 100.0 H… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textTable 2:. St. Ann Frequency Percentage % How would you classifyyour working conditions? Most Favorable conditions 1 2.1Favorable working conditions 14 29-8 Unfavorable w… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textTable 3: St. Ann Frequency Percentage % Which aspect of work ismost stressful in carrying out your duties? Hours of work 5 10.6Hours of work; Working environment 4 8 5 Policies an… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textFigure 5: St. Ann Police work is a highly stressful job? I Stronglyagree I Agree I Disagree – Strongly disagree Figure 6: St. Ann Theworking conditions of the job affect your ability to wor… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textFigure 7:. St. Ann Hanover The working conditions The workingconditions have contributed to have contributed to employeehealth issues? employee health issues? 59.6% 30 49.1… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textFigure 9: St. Ann I Strongly agree I Agree I Disagree l Stronglydisagree Figure 10:. St. Ann I am satis?ed with the amount ofcontrol you have over the work you do? 10.6% – Stron… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textFigure 11: St. Ann Hanover I am able to speak honestly I am ableto speak honestly about the issues faced in the about the issuesfaced in the workplace? workplace? Strongly agree Ag… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textTable 4: St. Ann Frequency Percentage % I take lunch break daily?Strongly agree 4 8.5 Agree 14 29.8 Disagree 21 447 Stronglydisagree 8 17.0 Total 47 100.0 Hanover Frequency Pe… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textHanover Frequency Percentage % The job requires me to take onmore responsibility than you ought to? Strongly agree 27 50 9Agree 23 43.4 Disagree 3 5.7 Strongly disagree 0 0.0 T… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textHanover Frequency Percentage % Which of the followingconditions were directly brought about by your job? Difficultyconcentrating 3 5.7 Difficulty concentrating; Mood sw… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textFigure 13: St. Ann BETTER WORKING CONDITIONS CANIMPROVE THE PERFORMANCE OF THE J.C.F.? I Strongly agree IAgree :7. Disagree I Strongly disagree .0% Hanover BE… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textTable 8:. St. Ann Frequency Percentage % Support services suchas stress management and debriefing can assist with stress atwork? Strongly agree 21 44.7 Agree 20 42.6 Disagree … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textFigure 14: St. Ann I feel unsupported at work? I Strongly agree IAgree Disagree Strongly disagree Figure 15:. St. Ann I do not haveall the resources to get my job done? m = 0.0% O a: 23…. Show more… Show moreImage transcription textTable 9:. St. Ann Frequency Percentage % The workingrelationship among police officers as well as their superiorscontribute to the stressful working conditions? Strong… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textTable 10:. St. Ann Frequency Percentage % I am able to do my jobwell in adverse conditions? Strongly agree 4 8.5 Agree 15 3 1.9Disagree 25 5 3 .2 Strongly disagree 3 64 Total 47 100… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textHanover Frequency Percentage % Responsibilities are sharedequally among police officers? Strongly agree 21 39.6 Agree 815.1 Disagree 13 24.5 Strongly disagree 11 20.8 Total 53 100.0… Show more Social SciencePsychology