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Theodore Bundy was born in 1946 in Vermont. He never knew his…

Theodore Bundy was born in 1946 in Vermont. He never knew his father, but remembers his grandfather with adoration. At age 4 he and his mother moved to Washington and he recalls becoming extremely jealous and upset when she married Johnnie Bundy. His displeasure increased drastically when his mother and step-father had four more children, which increased his sense of uneasiness at being an illegitimate child himself. He noted that his mother suffered extreme pain with each delivery and this also upset him. His beloved first-grade teacher also had a baby, and he was distressed by this as well.

Theodore made excellent grades in school, despite a few experiences with “sadistic” teachers who physically punished him and whom he despised. From an early age he preferred to be alone in his room, and in his later years he found it difficult to socialize. He recalls searching through neighborhood trash cans to find pictures of naked women. He was not proficient at most sports, and this traumatized him when he couldn’t make the school baseball or basketball teams. He became proficient at skiing, and developed a few criminal habits to help fund this venture or find ways to ski for free. He was never “caught” when engaging in these early crimes. Theodore reports he dreamed of financial wealth, and he was embarrassed to be part of a “common” family who did not own expensive cars or other luxuries.

As Theodore entered young adulthood, he describes the emergence of a “malignant being” which compelled him to kill. His thrill during each murder was to gain full possession of his victims. He reports he did much to spare them pain, but this “being” grew stronger and more powerful with each murder. His killing spree including many women in Washington and Colorado throughout 1974, when he was eventually arrested and linked to the murders. While incarcerated, Bundy studied law books and planned to defend himself. His very charming and intelligent demeanor resulted in guards coming to believe he was a very special person – they were even coerced into doing special favors for him, such as getting him special foods and removing his physical restraints. He eventually managed to escape from jail and moved to Florida, where he lived under a pseudonym.

While in Florida, Theodore began to kill again in 1978. After a routine traffic stop went badly, he was again arrested and identified as the person wanted for murder in Colorado. Bundy continually and adamantly proclaimed his innocence despite significant physical evidence matching him to several victims. He turned on the charm and intelligence before a jury, but they still found him guilty and sentenced him to death. While on “death row” he managed to use his intelligence and new legal skills to sustain his life for over a decade. He continued to declare his innocence and never showed any remorse for the dozens of women he had killed and mutilated. While in prison he received multiple offers of marriage from women and also was frequently requested for interviews. He even managed to father a child during his incarceration. Theodore Bundy died in the electric chair in January of 1989. 



Select one:

a.Antisocial Personality Disorder
b.Schizotypal Personality Disorder
c.Borderline Personality Disorder
d.Conduct Disorder
e.Schizoid Personality Disorder