Answered step-by-step
THESE ARE THE QUESTIONS   Q1: Flower is planning on doing a lotus…



Q1: Flower is planning on doing a lotus birth with her infant. What does this mean?

She plans to cook the placenta and eat it

She plans to leave the baby attached to the placenta until it naturally falls off

She plans to encapsulate the placenta

She plans to give birth in water

She plans to play music during labor and be in a trance while delivering the baby

Q2: We watched a video about a dog named Bunny. Why was Bunny’s langauage use considered different from human’s language use?

It lacked infinite generativity

It lacked meaningful words

It lacked vocalization

It required buttons and assitive devices to communicate

Q3: The work by Bergelson and Swingley using eye tracking showed that infants know the names for some common items when?

10-12 months of age

0-2 months of age

6-9 months of age

A month before they produce their first words verbally

11 months of age

Q4 : The view that two children can start at the same spot but have very different outcomes is a key idea from what theory?

Psychodynamic perspective

Bronfenbrenner’s Bioecological Systems Theory

Erikson’s Theory of Psychosocial Development

Pathways from Developmental Psychopathology

Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development

Q5: When first learning langauge a child corrected used the word went. Around 2 years of age they stopped using went and started using goed. Eventually they started using went again and stopped using goed. This is an example of the U shaped curve seen with what?





Perceptual tuning in monolinguals

Perceptual tuning in bilinguals


Q6: A researcher is doing a cross-cultural study to understand the development of motor development. What should they expect to find?

The milestones have the different orders and timing across cultures

The order of the milestones is different, but the timing is the same across cultures.

The order of the milestones is the same, but the timing changes across cultures.

The milestones have the same order and timing across cultures

Q7: Why are there different time tables for the perceptual narrowing of vowels and consents?

Babies produce more vowels than consents in their early vocalizations and this practice causes the narrowing

Consents are heard more often than vowels

There are less vowels than consents

The time table is the same for both of them

Q8 : From 6-9 months Alec’s parents read him a book that had pictures of monkeys and their faces everyday. At 9 months Alec particpated in a study that tested his ability to tell apart monkey faces. How did Alec likely perform?

He would have been able to tell apart faces of humans, but not monkeys

He was not able to tell apart monkey faces

He was able to tell apart the monkey faces

We have no way to know this as this has not been studied in infants


Q9 : Which reference, for a peer-reviewed original research article, is in correct APA Format? (Ingnore the lack of a hanging indent).

Byers-Heinlein, K., & Werker, J. F. (2013). Lexicon structure and the disambiguation of novel words: Evidence from bilingual infants. cognition, 128(3), 407-416.

Byers-Heinlein, K., & Werker, J. F. (2013). Lexicon structure and the disambiguation of novel words: Evidence from bilingual infants. Cognition, 128(3), 407-416.

Byers-Heinlein, K., & Werker, J. F. (2013). Lexicon structure and the disambiguation of novel words: Evidence from bilingual infants. Cognition, 128(3), 407-416.

Byers-Heinlein, K., & Werker, J. F. (2013). Lexicon Structure and the Disambiguation of Novel Words: Evidence from Bilingual Infants. Cognition, 128(3), 407-416.


Q10 : Janis is frustrated because she has tried to toilet train her 24-month-old son Robert for the past week, but the process is taking longer than she would like. Based on what you have learned about readiness for toilet training, how should you respond to Janis?

“You really shouldn’t toilet train until a child stays dry throughout the night. So, I don’t think Robert is ready just yet.”

“Be patient; it is not going to happen overnight. Some children take months or even years to become toilet trained.”

“I’m surprised Robert is not toilet trained yet. You might want to see a pediatrician.”

“Most toddlers learn how to use the toilet in two weeks, so you’re almost there.”

Q11: Lucy is conducting a study that requires her to spend a large amount of time living with and being among the people she is studying. What method is Lucy using?

group-processing research

ethnographic research

on-site research

survey research


Thank u i just want the answers don’t need to explain