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This data set presents the results of a hypothetical experiment…

This data set presents the results of a hypothetical experiment that examined dieting, food consumption, and mood. In the first session of the experiment, a sample of dieters and non-dieters were given a plate of food from a popular restaurant. The amount of food (in ounces) that they consumed was measured. In addition, their mood was measured. One week later, the same participants were tested again. This time, while they were eating their plate of food, they also watched a funny movie. Researchers again measured food consumption and mood, as well as participants’ feelings about their body and self-esteem. Specifically, the following variables are included:


Subnum: This is the ID number given to track each participant in the experiment.

Dietingstatus: This identifies whether or not the participant self-identified as a dieter. If the participant was not dieting, he or she was coded as a “1”, and if the participant was dieting, he or she was coded as a “2”.

Consumption1: The amount of food (in ounces) eaten at time 1.

Consumption2: The amount of food (in ounces) eaten at time 2.

Mood1: Participants’ mood at time 1. Scale ranged from 1 (negative mood) to 10 (positive mood).

Mood2: Participants’ mood at time 2. Scale ranged from 1 (negative mood) to 10 (positive mood).

Bodyimage: Participants’ self-reported body satisfaction. Scale ranged from 25 (dissatisfied) to 50 (satisfied).

Selfesteem: Participants’ self-esteem rating. Scale ranged from 15 (low self-esteem) to 30 (high self-esteem).



1a) Use the Compare Means function to examine the means for dieters and non-dieters on the Body Image and Self Esteem variables.

1b) Describe the differences in means that you see.

2a) Conduct independet samples t-tests to see if the differences noted above are significant. In other words, conduct two independent samples t-tests, one examining the relationship between Dieting Status and Body Image and one examining the relationship between Dieting Status and Self-Esteem.

2b) Use the Sig. (2-tailed) column to find the p-values for each test. Based on these p-values, are either of the tests significant? How do you know? Based on the significance of the tests, what would you conclude about te relationship between dieting and body image and the relationship between dieting and self-esteem?

3a) Use SPSSto calculate the means for Consumption1, Consumption2, Mood1, and Mood2.

3b) From th means, describe how scores on Consumption and Mood changed from Time 1 to Time 2.

3c) Conduct dependent samples t-tests on the Consumption variables and the Mood variables. In other words, you need to conduct two separate dependent samples t-tests.

3d) Use he Sig. (2-tailed) column to find the p-values for each test. Based on these p-values, are either of the tests significant? How do you know? Based on the significance of the tests, what would you conclude about the changes in consumption and mood?

4a) Describe a research hypothesis (unrelated to the Food Consumption dataset) that could be assessed using a dependnt samples t-test. Be sure to describe your variables.

4b) Enter hypohetical data relevant to your research hypothesis for at least 10 participants. Then, conduct a dependent samples t-test on the data in SPSS.


4c) Describe wether your research hypothesis was supported from the hypothetical data. Be sure to incorporate statistical significance into your answer.