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This research aims to address the negative impact of social…

This research aims to address the negative impact of social networking websites like facebook, Instagram, Tik-Tok, Snapchant on the mental health of older adolescents. While social media has become an increasingly popular mode of communication and self-expression among young people several studies have identified strong associations between social media use and negative mental health outcomes such as anxiety, depression, and social isolation. 


Alternative Hypothesis: A strong negative link exists between older adolescents’ use of social networking websites and their mental health.

Null Hypothesis: No significant link exists between older adolescents’ use of social networking websites and their mental health.

Rival Hypothesis: Factors other than using social networking sites, like genetics, family environment, or socioeconomic status, could explain the link between using social networking sites and psychological well-being among older adolescents.


To identify the specific ways in which social media use affects the mental health of teenagers, including the potential positive and negative effects. This will lead to a better understanding of the complex relationship between social media and mental health and may help inform interventions aimed at reducing negative outcomes. 
To investigate the potential moderators of the relationship between social media use and mental health, including individual factors such as personality traits, social support, and coping strategies, as well as environmental factors such as cultural and societal norms.  This will provide a more understanding of the factors that contribute to the negative impact of social media on mental health and may help inform interventions that are tailored to teenagers.
To explore the Potential benefits of social media, use for mental health such as, increased social support, self-expression, and positive reinforcement. This will provide a more balanced understanding of the impact of social media on mental health and may help identify ways in which social media can be used to promote positive outcomes. 
To develop evidenced based interventions that aim to reduce the negative impact of social media on mental health among teenagers. This may include interventions aimed at reducing social media use, promoting healthy social media habits, and building resilience and coping skills.
To promote public awareness and education about the potential risks and benefits of social media use for mental health. This may help parents, educators, and health care providers better understand the impact of social media on mental health and may help promote healthy social media habits among teenagers. 
To contribute to the growing body of research on the relationship between social media use and mental health, and to inform future research in the area.

The potential benefits of this research include a better understanding of the type of social media platforms, frequency and duration of use, the content of the interactions, individual personality and mental health history, social and cultural context in which the use occurs, as well as evidence-based interventions and public education efforts aimed at decreasing the negative impact of media on psychological wellbeing among adolescents.

Independent variable: The independent variable would be how older adolescents often use Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat. 

Dependent variable: The psychological health of older adolescents would be the dependent variable. This variable is called “dependent” because its value depends on the value of the independent variable being studied.

To measure the dependent variable psychological health of older adolescents I will collect the data on a standardized psychological assessment tool. Some commonly used measures include the child behavior checklist, the strengths, and the difficulties questionnaire. 

To measure the independent variable “how often teens use social networking sites” I will collect data on participants social media use by using software that tracts the activity on social networking sites.

The best scale to use for the independent variable in this research is the nominal scale. This scale is used for variables that do not have an intrinsic order, such as the frequency of using social media sites. This scale allows you to assign labels to different levels of the variable without any underlying order. For instance, you could label the frequency of using Facebook as “rarely,” “occasionally,” “frequently,” and “often.”



The best scale to use for the dependent variable in this research is the interval scale. This scale is used for continuous variables that may be ordered, such as psychological well-being. This scale allows you to assign numerical values to each category and to measure the distance between each value on the scale. For example, you could use a standardized scale such as the Beck Depression Inventory or the General Health Questionnaire to measure the psychological well-being of each participant and assign numerical values to the responses. This way, you can accurately measure the distance between each score and compare the scores of different participants.

There are potential errors that can arise when examining the relationship between the dependent variable of the psychological health of teens and the independent variable of how often teens use social networking sites. Potential errors are as follows:

1. Correlation does not equal causation: It’s important to note that just because there is a correlation between two variables, it does not necessarily mean that one variable causes the other. It’s important to control for other variables that could be influencing the relationship between social networking site use and psychological health, such as gender, socioeconomic status, and prior mental health.

2.Self report bias: Researchers could use multiple methods to collect data, such as observational data or interviews with parents or guardians.

3.Third variable problem: There could be other variables that are causing both social networking site use and psychological health to change. For example: Personality traits like extraversion could be related to both social networking site use and psychological health.

 Reliability can be measured using internal consistency, test-retest reliability, and inter-rate reliability. Validity can be measured using content validity, construct validity, and criterion validity. Internal consistency measures the degree to which the items within a measure are related to each other. Test-retest reliability measures the degree to which the same results are obtained when the same measure is used on different occasions. Inter-rater reliability measures the degree to which different raters measure the same thing in the same way. Content validity measures the degree to which the items in a measure are related to the construct being measured. Construct validity measures the degree to which the results of a study are related to other variables or measures. Criterion validity measures the degree to which the results of a study are related to a known criterion. To ensure reliable and valid results, researchers should use measures that have been tested and validated and perform their own tests and validations to ensure the accuracy and consistency of their results.



Disprove the type 1 error According to literature (cite specific sources) is type one error not possible. What is the literature that supports all parts of the hypothesis?

 Statistical significance?

What level of significance?

What are the errors?

What are the built in errors?

set error Margine?

Analyse the errors from the data?