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Title: The Impact of a Crisis of Faith on an Individual’s Emotional…

Title: The Impact of a Crisis of Faith on an Individual’s Emotional and Spiritual Well-being


         The purpose of this study is to examine the experiences of individuals who have undergone a crisis of faith or spiritual emergency. The study aims to understand the emotional and spiritual effects of such a crisis, as well as the triggers and factors that contribute to it. 

Research question: 

         How does a crisis of faith or spiritual emergency impact an individual’s emotional and spiritual well-being, and what are the factors that contribute to or trigger such a crisis? 

Significance of the Study: 

          This topic is important because it addresses a phenomenon that can have a significant impact on an individual’s emotional and spiritual well-being. Many people may experience a crisis of faith or spiritual emergency at some point in their lives, and understanding the causes and effects of these experiences can help individuals and practitioners better support those going through them. Additionally, understanding the emotional and spiritual effects of a crisis of faith can help to inform the psychology of religion, which is the study of the psychological processes that underlie religious beliefs, practices, and experiences.

Potential Participants: 

        The participants will be chosen from a diverse population, including friends and family members of the researcher who have experienced a crisis of faith or spiritual emergency.


         The study will involve conducting in-depth interviews with individuals who have experienced a crisis of faith or spiritual emergency. The interviews will focus on obtaining detailed information about the individual’s experiences, including what triggered the crisis, the emotional and spiritual effects of the crisis, and how the individual overcame it. The data collected will be analyzed using qualitative methods, such as thematic analysis, to identify common patterns and themes across participants.

Importance in Psychology of Religion:

    A crisis of faith or spiritual emergency can have a significant impact on an individual’s emotional and spiritual well-being. Understanding the causes and effects of these experiences can help individuals and practitioners better support those going through them. Additionally, understanding the emotional and spiritual effects of a crisis of faith can help to inform the psychology of religion, which is the study of the psychological processes that underlie religious beliefs, practices, and experiences


Submit a literature review that discusses at least five academic articles that related to your research question. Your literature review should have an introduction paragraph that introduces the reader to the main ideas expressed in research on your topic. The main body of your literature review should discuss the articles and should be grouped according to themes (similar findings, research methods used, or from broad to specific in relation to your research question). This should be followed by a conclusion paragraph that discusses any major weaknesses of the research studies/articles and any major gaps in information. Submit your reference page in APA format at the end of your literature review. In reading your research articles you should attempt to answer the following questions: 1. What was the research question or main topic/issue explore by the authors? 2. What method or methods did they use to answer their questions? 3. What population was under study/what was the sample size? 4. Was the sample adequate in terms of size and representativeness (if applicable to the study). 5. What were their findings/conclusions? 6. What is the major weakness of that study/research?