Answered step-by-step
To get started on your assessment task, please follow the…

To get started on your assessment task, please follow the instructions below:


Brainstorm any early oral language experiences you can remember:  

– What is one of the earliest songs you remember hearing? Or singing?  

– Do you remember any stories that were told in your family?  

– Does your family have a tradition of oral storytelling?  

– Did you sing together?  

– Did you say prayers together?  

– How did you use language in play with peers, siblings, family etc? Was it loud? Quiet? Was it very physical or very verbal?  

– Did you have a favourite story book that someone special read aloud to you? 

– Did someone in your family read to you?  

– Did you have a special made up “language” with a friend or sibling?  

– What do you remember about learning two or multiple languages?  

– You may think of other experiences not in this list of examples  -that’s great! Remember to keep the focus on oral language (not about reading or writing). You can post on the discussion board if you’re not sure.  

Choose 1-2 experience(s) to focus on.
Think about how that experience connects to what you have learnt so far about oral language, and early language and emergent-literacy. Make clear and explicit connections to the unit readings. Consider the learning outcomes – you need to show you understand that language and emergent-literacy is a social act.

Begin sketching out a script for your podcast. How did the experience(s):

– Shape your identity? 

– Show that language is a social act?

– Contribute to building important pre-literacy skills?

– Connect to your understanding of receptive and expressive language?

– Connect to your understanding of language learning in ECE?



– Build your oral language confidence (or perhaps impacted negatively?) or connect to your culture?

– Connect to greater political, social or cultural influences?

Use at least 2 academic (scholarly) references to support your ideas. These include readings from the reading list. You can also use more informal sources in addition.
Revise your script. Ask a peer or colleague to review your writing. Make sure you have referred back to the assessment rubric and included all elements required.  Double check your citations and bibliography. 
Submit your podcast (or a link to the podcast), transcript and a reference list to the Dropbox. With a written transcript.
Please also share your podcast on the Padlet below so that your classmates can listen to it. Listen to your peers’ podcasts and comment or ‘Like’ the one you enjoyed or connected to.