Answered step-by-step
TOPIC 1  Questions:  What is phase-in? What happens after the…


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Infants A Powerful Need for Connection When Families and
Infants Begin Group Care Marjorie Goldsmith and Rachel
Theilheimer After a four-month maternity leave, Bonn…
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port infants’ positive experiences in a program. We discuss four
infants’ early days of care at the two centers. We also share the
families’ points of view. relate some teachers’ perspec…
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(Goldsmith 2005). Worn out from lack of sleep and the ef- fort to
get their child to the center and themselves to work, families
grapple with the sadness ofbeing away from their child…
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home turf. Children can begin to get acquainted with their Bove,
C. 2001. “Inserimento: A Str imento: A Strategy for
Delicately Beginning Relationships and Communicatio…
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What is phase-in? What happens after the family enrolls but before the child begins, on the 1st day the child attends the program, and over the next few days of phase-in? What do families learn? What do teachers learn?
What is inserimento individuale?
How is phase-in designed to support relationships? What impact does warm relationships and thoughtful separations have on a baby?
What are examples of babies’ reactions to separation when they begin out-of-home programming?
How might families feel about leaving their babies in infant classrooms/centers?
How do many families use phase-in time? What do families gain from phase-in?
What challenges do teachers experience with phase-in? What do teachers learn from phase-in?
What can teachers do to respect individual differences during phase-in? What are examples of ways infant teachers can communicate effectively with families?
How do infant teacher demonstrate their understanding of attachment and separation during phase-in?


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1,7 l Rocking and Rolling | Supporting Infants, Toddlers, and Their
Families Meeting Families Where M ILY HAS JUST STARTED
WORKING WITH A new infant and toddler program, a…
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animals at home and in the program. They also decide to Think
about it find and read books to Jamal about fish and the sea. To-
Think about the times you have visited friends or ac- g…
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Why do infant teachers conduct home visits?
What can happen during a home visit?
What can teachers learn during home visits?
How can knowing about the differences between children’s lives at home and at the program contribute to a teacher’s effectiveness?

TOPIC 3 – Watch video:





What does your program do in the beginning to set the stage and begin partnerships?



What are the important elements of arrivals?



What do you feel is important or do you prioritize when a child separate from their family in the morning?