Answered step-by-step
True/False         In a cognitive control task, successful…

True/False        In a cognitive control task, successful inhibition is thought to involve the interaction of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, which detects when inhibition is necessary, and the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), which inhibits irrelevant information.

In one or two sentences, explain why the statement was true or false. (4 points)



True/False        When multi-tasking two demanding tasks, doing the two tasks separately will always be more efficient than task switching because of the task-switch cost.

In one or two sentences, explain why the statement was true or false. (4 points)



True/False        Working memory is a cognitive system that performs long-term storage and manipulation of information.

In one or two sentences, explain why the statement was true or false. (4 points)



True/False        Visual short-term memory is limited to about 7, plus or minus 2, simple visual objects.

In one or two sentences, explain why the statement was true or false. (4 points)



True/False        Test anxiety impairing a student’s academic performance is an example of how increased cognitive load from emotion regulation demands can interfere with working memory.

In one or two sentences, explain why the statement was true or false. (4 points)



Match each of the components of Baddeley’s working memory model (central executive, phonological loop, visuospatial sketchpad, and episodic buffer) to the description it best matches. (2 points each)

__________ This component is where information from multiple perceptual modalities is combined and can be integrated with information from long-term memory.
__________ This component is where you would store a phone number that your friend just told you.
__________ The limited capacity of this component is why change blindness occurs.
__________ This component is closely associated with the prefrontal cortex and cognitive control.
__________ This component would need to be activated to manipulate information represented in one of the other components.
__________ The information in this component would experience cognitive interference from examining irrelevant pictures.


Which of the following is NOT true of cognitive control? (2 points)

A task that requires a lot of cognitive control, such as completing an exam, will increase cognitive load.
When two tasks have a lot of similar demands, they will tend to interfere with each other when performed simultaneously.
Tasks with more automatic processing (e.g., completing calculus problems, studying, or doing a job interview) will have lower cognitive load than tasks with more controlled processing.
Cognitive control seems to be important for regulating one’s emotional responses and is linked to clinical disorders like anxiety and depression.
Ego depletion theory suggests that cognitive control becomes worse when people have low blood glucose levels.
Briefly explain why your answer choice is correct (4 points):



Which of the following is NOT true of phonological storage in working memory? (2 points)

Verbal information storage is limited to a few seconds unless it is refreshed through articulatory suppression.
The acoustic similarity effect shows that similar sounding words are more likely to interfere with one another and produce memory errors.
The irrelevant speech effect shows that similar brain areas seem to be used to represent an auditory working memory as well as process an incoming auditory perceptual experience.
The longer the words are that we try to remember, the fewer of them we can remember.
Storage seems to be limited to about 7, plus or minus 2, chunks of verbal information.
Briefly explain why your answer choice is correct (4 points):


Describe in detail how the Stroop task is conducted. Then, explain why the task puts strong demands on the cognitive control system. Be sure to mention controlled vs. automatic processing and how inhibition is important for performance. (6 points)