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Unit: CHCMHS011 Assess and promote social, emotional, and physical…

Unit: CHCMHS011 Assess and promote social, emotional, and physical wellbeing


Assessment Task 2: Workplace project



For this task you are required to document your work that shows you can work with clients in a collaborative manner to assess, promote and review all aspects of well-being Templates are provided below for you to fill out and submit.



Personnel Access to clients Access to workplace personnel, such as colleagues and your supervisor Resources Access to your workplace Access to workplace documentation, including client assessment documentation, progress notes, etc. Access to information about other service options. Template Client Report template (SD Client Report). WHEN AND WHERE WILL THIS TASK BE COMPLETED? You will need to complete this task in your workplace. You may fill out the templates provided in your own time or at work (where time allows)




If your assessor determines that you have not completed all parts of the template in sufficient detail or your supervisor has not signed it, they will talk to you about resubmission. You will only have to redo the entries in the template that are identified as having issues or obtain sign-off from your supervisor, however, you will need to resubmit the template. Your assessor will discuss an appropriate timeframe for resubmission with you when you are provided with the outcome of this task.




For this task, you are required to consider three clients living with mental health issues whom you have worked collaboratively with to assess, promote and review all aspects of well-being. You may have worked directly with each client or been involved with supporting a senior staff member or supervisor to facilitate the client s recovery process. You may be employed at the service or be on a work placement.

For each client report, you should document the following: 


The steps and processes that you undertook to prepare for working with the client 


The strategies that you used when working with the client 


The elements of your own professional practice 


The collaborative approaches you used to provide support to the client 


The specific strategies you applied within each well-being domain 


The workplace skills you used to ensure the safety and well-being of yourself, your client, and others in the environment. 


Once you have completed your report, ask your supervisor to confirm that you supported this client in the manner described by asking them to sign the bottom of the report for each client.


Remember privacy and confidentiality principles when completing your report. Refer to clients using terms such as Client A, Client 1, and so on. Refer to family using terms such as ‘client’s sister, ‘client’s husband’ etc. Refer to colleagues in a similar fashion. Do not include any information in your report that could identify your client (such as location, client workplace, names of places frequented by the client, schools attended by their children, etc.)


Student name: AYLA

Evaluation task: Client 1  with schizophrenia

Completion date: 25/05/23

Supervisor name: Natali

Workplace: Community Care Services at NDIS





Describe how you prepared to work with this client. Consider the information and resources that you needed and accessed, the planning that you did, the policy and procedures that you referred to, the discussions that you had with colleagues and others, safety considerations, and the documentation which you prepared. Also, consider any available services and programs that you considered or accessed.

My client, a 26-year-old schizophrenic patient, came to our office for support when he couldn’t control his anger and started punching the walls. I prepared an approach program for him with a 24-hour shift, holistic and human-centered care support.


Working with the client 


Describe the strategies that you used to establish a rapport with the client. 


How did you explain social and emotional well-being and its benefits? 


How did you ensure that your relationship with the client was a professional working relationship?


Discuss the strategies that you used to work collaboratively with the client to identify their strengths and to explain how these related to the domains of well-being and contributed to keeping them strong. 

How did you obtain and document relevant consent? 


What processes did you use to clarify and respect the person’s choices and to provide them with the dignity of risk? 


How did you set boundaries around topics to be discussed? 


How did you work with the client to assess their overall state of well-being including identifying people in their lives who could help build a picture of their social and emotional well-being? 


How did you work with the client to recognize and celebrate progress/success? 


What about new directions? 


What contingency planning did you have in place?



Professional practice 


Describe how you ensured non-judgmental practice in regard to well-being. How did you reflect on your own values, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors and respond to ensure that your practice remained non-judgmental and non-discriminatory? How did you remain aware of potential power dynamics and respond accordingly in your work with clients? How did you ensure that all appropriate consents were identified, negotiated, obtained, and documented? Make reference to relevant policies and procedures. Discuss the strategies that you used to recognize if the client’s needs were outside of your area of expertise or scope of practice and how you reacted.



Domains of well-being – Physical 



How did you work with the client to promote the importance of physical health in improving mental health? 


What was the process that you used to assess the client’s current health status and what strategies did you put in place to support them in improving their physical well-being? 


Describe the elements of physical well-being that you discussed with the client and outline any services, resources, or programs that you identified to support the client.



Domains of well-being – Emotional 


How did you work with the client to promote the importance of emotional well-being in improving mental health? 

What was the process that you used to assess the client’s current emotional well-being? 


What were the client’s emotional strengths, challenges, and triggers and what strategies did you put in place to support the client in addressing them so they could improve their emotional resilience?


Domains of well-being – Social 


How did you work with the client to identify and map their current level of social inclusion? 


What tools and strategies did you use to assess their level of community participation and to identify whether or not they have a care network in place? 


How did you work collaboratively with the client to promote community participation and increase their level of social inclusion? 


How did you support them to develop social support and to actively participate and connect with the community?



Domains of well-being – Cognitive 


How did you work with the client to promote the importance of cognitive well-being in improving mental health? 

What tools and strategies did you use to assess their current level of cognitive well-being? 

What strategies did you put in place in collaboration with the client to improve cognitive well-being?


Domains of well-being – Cultural and spiritual 


How did you work with the client to promote the importance of cultural and spiritual well-being in improving mental health? How did you work collaboratively with the client to identify their preferred cultural and/or spiritual values, beliefs, traditions, activities, and practices? What strategies did you use to support the client to identify any changes that they would like to make to their well-being in this area? What resources/people did you identify to support them?



Workplace skills 

Describe how you worked safely in your planning and interactions with this client and their care network. 

Did you communicate with the client about safety? 

What steps did you take to plan for an emergency/ manage risks and to ensure that you met your duty of care to the client and to members of their care network? 

How did you monitor and manage your own well-being and that of members of the care network?

How did you monitor your own cultural well-being and apply any improvements to your practice? 

List any relevant organizational policies and procedures.