Answered step-by-step
Using the Case Notes, Concept Map, and Treatment Plan, Please…

Using the Case Notes, Concept Map, and Treatment Plan, Please create a 4 page (900-1000 word) case study for the patient Anthony, (Also his Social Workers name is James). Please be detailed and specific. Please be well organized, thorough, and read absolutely everything but also read carefully through all the instructions as well as documents provided.  



Answer these questions as you review this case and write the case study: What roles did the social worker embody during the sessions shown? Explain the positives and negatives you noticed in the treatment shown in the documents about the specific case. 

How did the social worker focus on the treatment goals in the sessions you viewed? Any cultural aspects that the counselor needed to keep in mind for this specific case? What might you have done differently with this client and what might have you done the same? Any points in the treatment sessions where you noticed any specific psychological theory being used? 




Concept map for Anthony


Cases —> Anthony 


Anthony —-> Impact on Life—> Drugs/alcohol, Lack of direction, Underachieving in school, Conflict with the law Strained, relationship with mother


Anthony—-> Accountable to/ Gets support from —-> School Probation officer James, the social worker Mother Friends (gang)


Anthony—-> Feels —-> Session 1: Defiant, frustrated, entitled.   Session 2: Motivated, hopeful. 

Session 3: Determined, thoughtful, uncertain


Anthony—-> Goals —-> To develop a better relationship with mother, To find a job, To complete high school





Case Notes


Outreach Service Agency 

Case Note Name: Anthony Davis 

Date: April 11, 20– Contact with: Mrs. Ruth Davis (mother) 

Reason for contact: This worker contacted Mrs. Davis after receiving word from Ms. Rowell (P.O.) that Anthony was picked up for a curfew violation on Friday night (April 8, 20–). 

Type of contact (i.e. face to face, telephone contact, collateral contact): 

Telephone contact with Mrs. Davis Major facts noted during the contact: Anthony was not charged for the curfew violation, although Mrs. Davis stated that she is uncertain about the details of the events leading up to the police bringing Anthony home. 

Other pertinent information: Anthony has been doing better in school. The progress note sent home from his guidance counselors indicates that he has attended every class during the marking period and has B’s and C’s in all his classes. Important demographics: Anthony lives with his mom. She reports there is a lot of gang related activity in the neighborhood, including a recent drive-by shooting.


Mental status: 


1. Appearance: NA (telephone contact). Mrs. Davis did sound tired and distracted. 


2. Cognitive state: She reported that things are going better with Anthony. He has generally followed the rules they jointly established and has been helping around the house more. He is more easy going, completes chores when asked and is spending more time at home. She is currently taking a GED class at the community college. She continues to work part time at the local grocery store, approximately 25 hours a week. 


3. Feeling state: Mrs. Davis expressed concern about the events that occurred on Friday night. She is frustrated with Anthony and again stated her continued disapproval of his friends. She did report that Anthony is doing better in school and that his grades have all improved this grading period. She sounded very pleased and proud of him. 


4. Memory state/orientation: Oriented to person, time, and place. Progress toward achieving goals: Mrs. Davis is working with Anthony and this worker toward developing some skills in negotiation with her son. In the past she would be very inflexible and angry toward her son. Because she has seen some positive results (passing classes, more helpful around the house) she continues to be invested in helping her son. A positive change that has occurred since the last time we spoke is she is now in school to get her GED!!!! Summary/conclusion/plans: This worker will follow up with Ms. Rowell, Anthony’s probation officer, regarding this telephone contact. It sounds like Anthony has made improvements in school and at home. This worker’s impression is that Mrs. Davis is very pleased with Anthony’s progress and may not want to upset the “calm” by confronting him about the curfew violation. This worker is in agreement but will monitor his involvement with the law should circumstances change. 


Social Worker’s Signature: ______________________________







Client: Anthony Davis 


AGENCY: Outreach Service 


Agency Date: October 10, 20– 


Responsible Party Date to Begin and End Means for Monitoring Progress Outcome: Completed; Incomplete; or In-progress 


A. Long-term goal: Anthony will develop skills which will enable him to lead a productive life.* 


B. Short-term goals: 1. Complete high school 


Objectives/Tasks: ? 

Pass 10th grade/all classes ? 

Attend every class, every day ? 

Get involved in school related activities ? 

Attend after school study sessions ? 

Complete all homework assignments ? 

Prepare for all exams (at least one hour per subject area) ? 

Ask for help when needed 


2. Get a job Objectives/Tasks: ? 

Identify employment options ? 

Complete application process ? 

Practice interviewing skills ? 

Enroll in the Job Readiness class at school ? 

Explore the Work /Study offered through school ? 

Talk with career/vocational counselor at school ? 

Talk to music teacher for job related leads ? 

Explore transportation needs 


3. Work toward improving relationship with mother 


Objectives/Tasks: ? 


Assist in developing expectations/rules for the household ? 

Follow rule/expectations established ? 

Follow established curfew ? 

Chores ? 

Homework ? 

Get a job (see short-term goal #2) ? 

Remain sober (see short-term goal # 6) ? 

Communicate more openly with mother ? 

Attend bi-weekly family counseling sessions ? 

Establish “family time” to discuss how things are going ? 

Participate in weekly individual counseling sessions 


4. Develop and pursue interests such as music Objectives/Tasks: ? 


Join the Jazz Ensemble at school ? 

Find a music related job (see short-term goal # 2) ? 

Enroll in an elective class in music 



5. Develop age appropriate related activities and interests 


Objectives/Tasks: ? 


Meet other students with similar interests ? 
Join school related activities (i.e., Jazz Ensemble) ? 

Get a job ? 

Pursue Big Brother through the local community ? 

Join the Boys & Girls club ? 

Help others (mentor younger students, especially in music) ? 

Get physical exercise (i.e., Youth Build) 



6. Maintain drug and alcohol free lifestyle 


Objectives/Tasks: ? 


Complete drug/alcohol evaluation ? 

Participate in AA/NA ? 

Meet regularly with James to discuss progress



 CONTRACT I, Anthony Davis , agree to complete all the goals, objectives/tasks as outlined in this contract by the identified dates. I also understand that if I don’t comply with the terms of the contract, I will be terminated from this program. I further understand this contract may be renegotiated should my life circumstances change significantly. I understand that my progress will be monitored by James Adams weekly. __________ Date Client signature Social Worker’s signature Narrative* Anthony is a young man who is involved in many high risk activities. He has a close connection with his friends who are also involved in a street gang. Anthony is experiencing academic difficulties, although he is a very capable student. Using his interest in music, many of the treatment goals focus on this aspect of his life. To directly address his gang membership and moving on to other interests is a subtle but necessary way to approach this situation. It is his risky behaviors that will lead him down the path of crime and possible incarceration. The hope with this treatment plan is to divert his interests to more positive areas, develop a better relationship with positive influences and people in his life and to academically succeed. Suggesting to Anthony that he give up his role in the gang is encouraging him to respond to James with resistance.




This is how the Case Study should be formatted when you answer and make the case study. 


Abstract: Provide a brief summary of the case study, highlighting the key points and outcomes. The abstract should be concise and informative, giving readers an overview of the study’s purpose and findings.


Introduction: Start with a general introduction to the case study, providing background information about the subject and the context in which the study was conducted. Clearly state the research question or objective of the study.


Case Description: In this section, provide a detailed description of the case, including relevant information about the individual or group being studied. Include details such as age, gender, cultural background, and any relevant medical or psychological history. Use pseudonyms to maintain confidentiality.


Assessment and Diagnosis: Describe the assessment methods used to gather information about the case, such as interviews, questionnaires, or psychological tests. Present the diagnostic criteria used and explain how the assessment process led to the diagnosis.


Treatment Plan: Outline the treatment approach or interventions used in the case. Describe the rationale behind the chosen treatment plan, including any evidence-based practices or theoretical frameworks utilized. Provide a detailed account of the treatment process, including the number of sessions, techniques employed, and progress observed.


Results: Present the results of the case study, including any changes or improvements observed during the treatment period. Use quantitative data, such as scores on psychological measures, as well as qualitative data, such as observations or patient feedback, to support the findings.


Discussion: Interpret and discuss the results in the context of existing literature and theories. Analyze the implications and significance of the findings, and discuss any limitations or challenges encountered during the case study.


Conclusion: Summarize the main findings of the case study and their implications. Highlight any important lessons learned from the study and suggest possible areas for future research.


References: List all the sources cited in the case study using appropriate referencing style (e.g., APA, MLA).


Appendices: Include any additional materials that are relevant to the case study but too lengthy or detailed to be included in the main text. This may include assessment tools, interview transcripts, or additional data analysis.