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Week 8: Identity and Development   88 unread replies.88 replies….

Week 8: Identity and Development


88 unread replies.88 replies.

This week’s discussion is a two section (with sub parts) discussion. As such, this discussion is slightly different that other weeks, but the end goal is the same – you will have your original post and two (2) responses. This discussion will likely seem long, but hopefully it is interesting stuff since we all have identity and personalities, so this is your chance to talk about yourselves a bit, to learn from each other, and to find commonality with your fellow classmates. PLEASE LABEL YOUR SECTIONS AND YOUR RESPONSES.




Introduction to Intersectionality 


Watch the following video from Kimberle Crenshaw about Intersectionality (this is one of the primary concepts from Chapter 10). Crenshaw discusses how different aspects of our identity come together to as intersections which can face great oppressions or have more privileges depending on group memberships, social contexts and institutions. to an external site.


Wheel of Power and Privilege


Look at the graphic below. This graphic is known as the Wheel of Power and Privilege developed by Sylvia Duckworth. The wheel represents the different major aspects of identity. The closer different aspects of our identities are to the center, the more power from privilege one has within our society. The farther away from the center, the more marginalized with less power one has. To be clear, its not fully inclusive of all of our different identities but does give you a good idea of how different identities within society have more or less privilege and power.



In case you cannot view the image above, please use this link to view the wheel image that you will use for the discussion below: to an external site.


Now, take some time to think about these different aspects of own your own identities…. 

For example, my (Dr. T’s) identities are as such:

– White (Power)
– Citizen (Power)
– Doctorate Post-Secondary (Power)
– English Speaking (Power)
– Neuro-typical (Power)
– Middle Class (Moderate Power)
– Renting Housing (Moderate Power)
– Mostly Stable Mental Health (Moderate Power)
– Trans*/Non-binary (Marginalized)
– Significant Disabilities (Marginalized)
– Demisexual/Grey-A (Marginalized)
– Large Bodied (Marginalized)

Part I – Reflections on My Intersectional Identities


After you have spent some time considering the different aspects of your identities and how they fit within the wheel, address the following prompts which are all bolded below. PLEASE PUT SPACES IN BETWEEN EACH SECTION. 


There are 12 different aspects of our identity contained within the wheel. I would like you to share six (6) different aspects noting both your identity and its position in the wheel (as I have demonstrated above). I am only requiring half of them so that you can choose what you feel comfortable sharing out. 



Now, for the following questions, I would like you to consider the entirety of the wheel. If your answer would include something that you didnt list above, please still address them as honestly as you feel comfortable. It is possible to answer the question about an aspect of your identity without necessarily disclosing it. For example, if you dont feel comfortable sharing specifics about your ability/disability specifically, you can still state that you think about ability/disability and then discuss the why.

With that in mind, answer the following questions including a brief why with each what. For example, if you think about your gender and sexuality the most often, then share why. Same with least often, so on and so forth. You do not need to write a book for the why, but at least one or two short explanations for each prompt below. 

My identities that I think about the most often are:
My identities that I think about the least often are: 
My identities that most affect how I perceive myself are:
My identities that most affect how OTHERS perceive me are:
My identity intersections that are most significant to me are:
Did anything surprise you about how you think about your own identities?
In the higher education space (that is, here in college), do you feel you have more power, are more marginalized, or a mixture of both based on your complex identities? (Explain this one out – the why)

Keep in mind, I would like you to address both the identities, as well as to the best of your ability the why. This activity provides everyone the chance to share, as well as listen (observe). To think about the things we have in common, as well as the things which we experience differently. 


Part II – Human Development


In this section, you will be watching a brief video about adolescence and then addressing the prompts below. Keep in mind, this is asking you to think about what you had misconceptions about before watching the film. If you feel like there are no misconceptions, I would challenge you to push beyond the first thoughts and see if you can work a little deeper to connect your experience to the information. 

Section 1 – Video

Watch the video below (approx. 30 minutes) to an external site.
Minimize Video


Section 2 – Prompt

Discuss three misconceptions/lack of knowledge you had during or about adolescence that were talked about in the video. If you cannot find three direct connections, you need to dig a little deeper and think about ways that what you did hear in the video can be applied within your own life/understanding. That is to say, I feel there is an ability to connect the dots even if its not directly apparent. 


Section 3 – Final Prompt (not related to the video)

Chapter 9 covered human development from birth to adulthood. Discuss two (2) things that you learned throughout the chapter that was new information to you. Something that you didnt know before learning about it this week, or something that corrects a misconception that you had about infancy, childhood, and adolescence. This can be anything that you want to discuss. Think about it as if you were having a conversation with your friend, co-worker, parent, child, etc about what you learned in the chapter, what would be the stand out two (2) things you would want them to know.