Answered step-by-step
What does an ACE (Adverse Childhood Experiences) score predict? …

What does an ACE (Adverse Childhood Experiences) score predict? 

a) It only explains what happened in childhood and has no predictive uses. 

b) The likelihood that a person will become an abuser

c) The negative impact of an abusive home

d) The higher the score, the higher the risk for adverse health later in life

e) The level of difficulty in achieving school success.


What are some of the specific benchmarks covered in the Devereux Student Strengths Assessment? 

a) Positive self-image, openness, and teamwork

b) Optimistic thinking, self-management, and decision making 

c) Leadership, intellectual development, and relationships 

d) Optimistic thinking, conscientiousness, and communication 

e) Self-reflection, intellectual development, and communication


What are the advantages and limitations of interview protocols?

 a) Advantages: They are cost effective Limitations: Responders may not remember, may answer questions with an answer they think is “right” instead of their actual beliefs or actions, responses may be influenced by their interactions with others, and they rely on the student’s ability to read and understand them. 

b) Advantages: They do not rely on respondents to remember interactions Limitations: They can be burdensome to administer, subject to reporting bias, difficult to measure students’ awareness or beliefs, and have potential for misinterpretation of the source of student behavior. 

c) Advantages: They can be administered in a short amount of time. Limitations: They can require substantial investments in training and 

d) Advantages: They are easily approved by districts and site administrators. Limitations: They require consistent and ongoing communication with parents, community, and school administrators. 

e) Advantages: They allow for complex responses, surface more issues, and do not rely on students’ reading ability. Limitations: They require considerable time for training, conducting interviews, and coding data and can be impacted by memory effects, social desirability bias, and reference bias.


What role does resilience play in mitigating the effects of trauma? 

a) Resilient students are less likely to act out in class. 

b) Resilience contributes to higher tests and greater success in school. 

c) Resilience can help protect a child from trauma and increase the likelihood of a healthy adulthood. 

d) Resilience is important but has little impact on the effects of trauma. 

e) Resilience has the most impact later in life and can make people healthier.


What are the advantages and limitations of performance-based assessments? 

a) Advantages: They are easy to administer and score. Limitations: Responders may not remember, may answer questions with an answer they think is “right” instead of their actual beliefs or actions, responses may be influenced by their interactions with others, and they rely on the student’s ability to read and understand them. 

b) Advantages: They do not require communication with outside individuals, including parents. Limitations: They can require substantial investments in developing communications with site and district administrators. 

c) Advantages: They are cost effective. Limitations: They can be burdensome to administer, subject to reporting bias, difficult to measure students’ awareness or beliefs, and have potential for misinterpretation of the source of student behavior. d) Advantages: Their ability to reflect changes in SEL over time. Limitations: They require considerable time for training, conducting interviews, and coding data and can be impacted by memory effects, social desirability bias, and reference bias. 

e) Advantages: They are designed to approximate real-world conditions and they typically do not rely on subjective judgment. Limitations: They can require substantial investments in training and require a significant investment in time for administration and scoring.