MegaLeopardPerson880What is a good reply?   A dual diagnosis presents itself as a…What is a good reply? A dual diagnosis presents itself as a complex relationship between mental health or a developmental disability and a substance abuse disorder. Mental health issues often go hand in hand with people who are struggling with addiction. An example of this would be a diagnosis of depression and an individual who is also struggling with an addiction to cocaine. Working in a detox facility, I meet clients with a primary mental illness whose chemical dependency causes serious issues enough to require specialized treatment. Comorbidities (the presence of two or more health issues) are very common among people who are struggling with addiction. If the client is not placed at the correct treatment facility and is only treating the addiction, frustration may arise because goals are not being met due to slow progress or the inability to abstain from the drugs. Not having the proper treatment plan that works with both may result in an obstacle for the client, halt their recovery, and stall their progress. Motivational interviewing is an approach that some treatment staff will expand on. Motivational interviewing helps establish goals and develop the skills needed to reach those goals (Van Wormer & Davis, 2018). Proper assessments are often required to find the best possible care for the client. When it comes to treatment for dual diagnosis, it’s important to look for treatment centers that are equipped to manage a dual diagnosis treatment plan. In this case, it would mean that the client may need a comprehensive and integrated treatment approach.  According to Van Wormer & Davis (2018), through research, it has been demonstrated to work best when treating both problems with an integrated approach that matches the treatments in both areas. The general approach to treatment with these clients is to provide care for both issues within the same team or facility to work alongside each other. In some areas near where I live, there are a couple treatment centers that have a direct treatment plan for those with a dual diagnosis. With a specialized team, there is a treatment plan that is customized to the client’s needs and that identifies the problem, outlines what the client’s goals are (short- and long-term goals), and forms approaches to meet the goals listed. It is significantly harder for someone to remain in an addiction treatment center when other mental health issues are not addressed and/or cared for properly.  No matter the turbulence we encounter, God is always with us. John 14:27 reminds us that he leaves us with peace. My peace, I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful (The New International Version, 2014). Social SciencePsychology