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What research question might you ask about your peers’ choice of…

What research question might you ask about your peers’ choice of topic based on the information they shared?


First peer below.

   My chosen topic is the 16th and 17th Century Scottish Witch Trials. I utilized a historical lens for this topic. When analyzing my chosen topic, some of the demographical or statistical information that may be significant is factors such as age, sex, location, and different socioeconomic classes for the people accused of being witches or participating in witchcraft. The Scottish Witch Trials are also not the only witch trials in history. I can look at witch trials that took place in other parts of the world and analyze how their demographical or statistical information impacted the historical event.

Social structures, institutions, or systems that might affect the topic of the Scotland Witch Trials are local and distant politics, the economic factors of the societies that were directly involved, and church affiliations of those considered victims or participants. By closely examining all the factors mentioned above, we can better understand how and why the events unfolded. We may not be able to pinpoint a cause every time by looking at the above factors, but they will likely give us a starting point to understand better what went wrong.

By utilizing multiple lenses, we can better understand what went wrong or right with any situation to prevent further trauma. We can better understand the who, what, when, and how of almost any situation, allowing for a stronger society. Using a singular lens, we can get some idea about what happened in the Scottish Witch Trials. However, suppose we use multiple lenses, such as history, culture, and economical lenses. In that case, we will have a much more informed and accurate description of the events that led up to the Scottish Witch Trials. Additionally, using a multi-lens approach in any research, whether personal, academic, or professional, we will better understand the different perspectives of each lens and how they contributed to the events that unfolded (Berkey, 2021).


What research question might you ask about your peers’ choice of topic based on the information they shared?

Peer two below.

From a social science lens, astrology’s role in social identity formation and its relationship to cultural values and beliefs can be analyzed. Demographically, it may be interesting to consider the age, gender, race, and socioeconomic status of individuals who are interested in astrology. For instance, some studies suggested that women, young people, and individuals from marginalized communities may be more likely to be interested in astrology.
Social structures and institutions impacting astrology include media, education, and religion. Media can influence public attitudes towards astrology, education can shape critical thinking skills and beliefs about science, and religion can provide alternative belief systems about the nature of the universe and the role of humans in it.
Using multiple lenses to analyze astrology, such as combining a humanities perspective with social science, can provide a more comprehensive understanding of the topic. For instance, aFrom a humanities perspective, we might explore the historical roots of astrology and its relationship to religion, philosophy, and myth. We might also delve into the symbolic meaning of astrological signs and planets, examining how they are interpreted and applied in different contexts. From a social science perspective, we might investigate the demographic patterns and cultural factors influencing astrology’s popularity. For example, we might analyze astrology prevalence data among different age groups, gender, ethnic groups, or socioeconomic classes. Finally, we might also consider the cultural factors that contribute to the appeal of astrology, such as the desire for self-exploration, the search for meaning and purpose, or the need for a sense of community and belonging. By combining these perspectives, one can better understand astrology’s role in society and how it is meaningful to different groups.