Answered step-by-step
What’s in bold is what you have to answer. The information below is…

What’s in bold is what you have to answer. The information below is what you have to read to be able to answer the questions. 


In the role of consultant, respond in writing to at least one primary school-focused post AND at least one high school-focused post in the following way:


1. Provide one suggestion as to how your consultee might modify the initiative to attain different results based on their identified needs.


2. If the ALP creator expresses resistance to your suggestion, how might you effectively respond to that resistance and still communicate the benefits of your suggestion?


This is the information below you need to read to be able to answer the two questions above!!!!


The problem lies within student’s social relationships and how bullying can affect this. Bullying
happens most often during the breaks in school such as lunch or recess, in between classes. Usually,
students are disciplined through recommendations for their behavior and a lot of the time they don’t
follow up on the consequences with the student after the recommendation is given. The research for
bullying states that at Memorial High school, 9th graders are experiencing a higher percentage of
bullying than the other grade. This is supported by the data that states 80% of 9th graders feel like
they have witnessed or experienced bullying firsthand. Of this 80%, approximately 70% of these
students are minority students.

Target population:
Upon review of the data collected from Memorial High School, the highest percentage of teenagers
reporting bullying is coming from the 9th grade and are also minority students. In this plan, I will be
focusing solely on the 9th grade and the minority students within.

Why is this a problem?
Bullying is impactful on all student’s wellbeing and numerous studies have pointed out that constant
harassment can create feelings of isolation, exclusion, rejection or much worse. This can also lead to
depression or anxiety and may make these problems worse. Both can contribute to suicidal behavior
as well. Most students that endure bullying end up having problems with their academic performance
and teachers or parents may catch a decline in their academic record. According to the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services, one of the warning signs for children experiencing
bullying happens to be grades dropping. The kids being bullied are not the only ones at risk, the
bullies can often participate violent or dangerous behaviors into their adult lives (U.S. Department of
Health and Human services, 2021).