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When a behavior is reinforced every time it occurs, we say that it…
When a behavior is reinforced every time it occurs, we say that it is reinforced on a                                  schedule.
Getting an A on a test is an outcome of a            schedule
With outcome specific PIT, the conditional stimulus is paired with                                               
In a                                            schedule, reward is scheduled after every Xth response.
CRF is the same as                                                         
In a                                schedule, reinforcement is contingent on the continuous performance of a behavior for some period of time
A                                   reinforcer is an event that unconditionally reinforces operant behavior without any particular training’
Any consequence of a behavior that                                           the behavior or increases the probability that the organism will perform it again is called a reinforcer
A                                   reinforcer or secondary reinforcer is a stimulus that has acquired the capacity to reinforce behavior through its association with a primary reinforcer
Reinforcement is delivered after a behavior occurs for a set length of time:                                             
Reinforcement is delivered around an average of time, following a certain behavior:                               
Reinforcement is delivered after a set time, following a certain behavior:                                                
Reinforcement is delivered around an average of number of times, following certain behaviors:                                                              
Reinforcement is delivered a set number of times following certain behaviors:                                        
In a                                schedule, the number of responses required to earn each individual reinforcer varies
Premack’s idea is that reinforcement occurs when the instrumental act allows access to a                       
                         Theory is a phrase used to describe learning theories, like Thorndike’s which assumes that reinforcement is necessary for learning
Emotions and motives are important parts of our lives and the purpose of                                   is to satisfy them
According to                                          theory, animals have a preferred level of every behavior that they engage in.
With general PIT, the conditional stimulus is paired with a                                                          
A slot machine is an example of a                                               schedule
Hull’s theory of reinforcement:                                                                                                              
                                     Is a principle of choice behavior which states that the proportion of responses directed toward one alternative will equal (match) the percentage of reinforcers that are earned by performing that alternative
With the                                               , all that matters is the individual’s initial preference ranking
An experimenter trains a rat to press a lever and then reinforces level presses on an Fr 10 schedule when a red light is on, and an FI 10″ schedule when a green light is on. In this case, lever pressing is on a                                                         .
An approach that incorporates economic principles in understanding operant behavior is called                                                              
According to incentive motivation and Hull’s theory,                                          =DxHxK
An instrumental or operant conditioning procedure in which the behavior’s consequence strengthen or increases the probability of the response is called                                                                         
In learning terms, events like food, oxygen, water, and sex are characterized as                                       
A procedure in which two or more reinforcement schedules, each signaled by its own discriminative stimulus, are presented one at a time and alternated is called a                                                  schedule
Choice is studied in                                schedules, where two behaviors are available and are reinforced according to their own schedules of reinforcement
                                                 Is a motivational response that occurs when a reward is smaller than expected
According to                                                      theory of reinforcement, biological needs are synonymous with drive and their reduction provides reinforcement
                                      Involves decreasing or eliminating unwanted behaviors
In learning terms, rewards like gold stars and trophies are characterized as                                             
                                     Learning was though to occur rapidly if the required response resembled a natural defensive behavior.