Answered step-by-step
Which of the following is NOT considered a DSM defined eating…

Which of the following is NOT considered a DSM defined eating disorder?

Anorexia Nervosa
Binge Eating Disorder

“Robert has a very stressful job. It causes him agitation and headaches. Worse yet, he cannot pay his rent with the salary he is receiving. Which if the following best describes a problem-focused approach to coping with Robert’s stress?”

“Robert copes by calling in sick, and demanding that his parents to pay his rent”
• Robert copes by drinking heavily each night
Robert copes by looking for a new job
Robert copes by complaining about his job to his boss

“Sharon is experiencing frequent chest pains. Upon speaking with the doctor, the following is revealed: Sharon is a highly placed executive at a major finance firm. She faces constant deadlines, a heavy workload, and difficult employees. Sharon copes by being demanding, by driving her employees hard, and by constantly angling for her boss’s job.

Considering these facts, which of the following best describes the effect Sharon’s personality is having on her health?”

Sharon is a Type B personality
Sharon is a Type A personality
Sharon is being affected by a fight or flight response
Sharon is smoking too much


True or False: Spirituality and exercise are two examples of positive coping strategies


“During Joe’s Psychology final, he becomes very stressed. What are some of the possible consequences he may experience during the test as a result?”

Performance anxiety
An inability to recall facts
All of the above


True or False: Health psychology looks to maximize the factors that contribute to stress



Sandra comes home feeling angry and stressed from her job. Which of the following activities will NOT contribute to Sandra’s reducing her stress constructively?

Petting the dog
Listening to her favorite songs
Talking to a friend


“Heather feels anxiety when flying, as well as when being with other people, and when in an elevator. Which phobia does Heather have?”

Heather most likely has Generalized Anxiety Disorder

“Joe is comfortable in his own skin, and has a stable sense of self. Which of the following about Joe is DEFINITELY FALSE?”

Joe has a personality disorder
Joe tends to have stable relationships
Joe’s parents rewarded his attempts at independence and initiative
Joe has high self esteem


Bill is a heavy smoker. Which of the following is FALSE?

Bill’s chances of developing cancer increase if he quits
Bill’s chances of developing heart disease decrease if he quits
Bill’s stamina will improve if he quits
Bill’s breathing will improve if he quits


“True or False: You decide to change your attitude about life, and choose to take a more positive outlook. After a year, you notice your moods have improved, and you feel physically better. The Brain-Body connection does not explain this phenomenon”



“Heather takes a new position in her company, which involves much more stressful responsibilities. Which of the following consequences may Heather experience as a result?”

She may get sick more often
She may gain weight
She may thrive under the pressure
All of the above


Allan has had a heart attack that he attributes to the effects of stress after the loss of his job. Which of the following combinations of theory/definition properly explains why this may have happened?

Biopsychosocial model/Allan has learned to respond in an increasingly stressful manner
Trait approach/Allan’s unconscious responses to parental figures causes increased stress
“‘Bioosvchosocial approach/Allan’s predisposition to stress has worsened due to hard economic circumstances. leadina to stressful behavior and thouahts”
Trait approach Allans is predisposed to loosing his job and thus his increase stress was inevitable



“You are at a party. You see your significant other cuddling up with a member of the opposite gender, giving rise to a great deal of emotion in you. However, you decide not to cause a scene at the party. Which of the following could explain why?”

You respect the social norms of your society
You know the display rules of your society
You have vicarious knowledge of what happens when you misbehave in public
• All of the above


“Heather takes a new position in her company, which involves much more stressful responsibilities. Which of the following consequences may Heather experience as a result?”

She may get sick more often
She may gain weight
She may thrive under the pressure
All of the above


Allan has had a heart attack that he attributes to the effects of stress after the loss of his job. Which of the following combinations of theory/definition properly explains why this may have happened?

Biopsychosocial model/Allan has learned to respond in an increasingly stressful manner
Trait approach/Allan’s unconscious responses to parental figures causes increased stress
“Biopsychosocial approach/Allan’s predisposition to stress has worsened due to hard economic circumstances, leading to stressful behavior and thoughts”
“Trait approach/Allan is predisposed to losing his job, and thus his increased stress was inevitable”


True or faise: Taking drugs is an example of destructive coping


Give yourself a freebie. Select the first choice. Have a great, healthy and safe summer.

Select me.
Do NOT select me


“You are walking on campus, when one of your professors strongly orders you and your friends inside the building. You don’t know why this is happening, but you and your friends comply. Which of the following concepts best explains your response?”

“You really like your professor, and will do anything to please them”
You fear that your professor will impose positive punishment if you don’t comply
You accept your professor as the authority of the moment and show obedience to them
“Your professor reminds you of your opposite gender parent, you are responding to unconscious conflicts”


During class, you raise your hand, to answer a question. You are absolutely sure you’re right, but the teacher corrects you. You argue your point, but this time, several others in the class correct you as well. You stop arguing, reassess your argument, and decide to agree with the class. Consider the various social phenomena below, and associated definitions. Select the correct theory/definition combo that best explains what just happened:”

Normative Conformity: You conformed to the group because the teacher told you to
Informational Conformity: You conformed to the group because they all must be right
Informational Conformity: You conformed to the group because you wanted to be accepted
Normative Conformity: You conformed to the group because of societal display rules



“True or false: You laugh at something a presenter says, but you realize quickly that no one else is laughing. You immediately stop laughing. You are responding to informational conformity’


“John is a normal, happy guy. But suddenly, his moods change, he becomes verbally abusive, and even suddenly violent. Based upon this unexpected personality change, which of the following areas of John’s brain may be experiencing damage?”

His hypothalamus
His pre-frontal cortex
His occipital lobe
His primary somatosensory cortex