Answered step-by-step
You are doing an assessment of a 19-year-old college student, Jess,…

You are doing an assessment of a 19-year-old college student, Jess, who is reported to be in good physical health. She was brought into your clinic by one of her classmates who is concerned because her friend is acting really weird lately. The student is in a Creative Arts and Design school and she says her instructors place a lot of emphasis on creativity. “Unique and out-there” are just some of the ways she describes her school setting and her classmates. She wants to fit in and as a result she reports drinking a lot of alcohol, smoking marijuana daily and frequent use of LSD and ecstasy. She believes these drugs will enhance her creativity. However, her trips on LSD are becoming more frightening, and she’s becoming more paranoid and scared whenever she trips or even smokes a joint. Her friends tell her she is acting peculiar and has been making bizarre comments in class. She is scared and wonders if she is losing her mind. To counteract the fear of having a “bad trip” she began using tranquilizers like Valium, Ativan and Xanax. She believes that the tranquilizers will prevent her from becoming paranoid so she can stay focused on her art projects. She tells you that she has been using this combination of drugs for the past school year. 


She states she has been emancipated since she was 16 years old, as she was in and out of foster care her entire life.  She states she does not know her parents well as she was removed from them as a child due to abuse and her mother has since been deported back to Central America.


She is managing to remain in school with a low “B” average in her classes. She has a part time job at an art supply store, and is somewhat active in community arts events, such a mural projects at local schools.



In about 2-3 types pages (1 inch margins, 81/2 x11″, 12 point font), please provide the following assessment information on the vignette:


Diagnosis – What might you consider?
Screening tools – Would you use any? Why or Why not? Which would you use?
Assessment – Seven Dimensions of Addiction – how to they apply to her?
Treatment recommendations – What might be a brief treatment plan?
Cultural issues – What do you see? 
Trauma concerns – What do you see?
Any referrals you would consider?  If you needed to link to a referral, how might you do it?
What would be your first intervention?

You might not have all the information you’d like. It’s OK to state in addition to what you would consider, what you might ASK about the case.