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You will be writing two case study papers for this class. These…

You will be writing two case study papers for this class. These essays will reflect some of the landmark cases that demonstrate some of the main concepts in the field of forensic psychology. There are 10 cases to choose from; you will pick two, write essays on them, and turn them in on the due dates indicated in the syllabus. 

You may choose from the following cases:

Jeffrey Dahmer (serial killers/insanity defense)
Patty Hearst (brainwashing/Stockholm syndrome)
Daryl Atkins v. State of Virginia (death penalty)
John Hinkley, Jr. (insanity defense)
Mike Tyson (risk assessment)
Andrea Yates (insanity defense)
Colin Ferguson (competency to stand trial)
Woody Allen and Mia Farrow (child custody)
Tarasoff Decision (duty to warn)
Lee Harvey Oswald (effectiveness of forensic evaluations)


For each case, you will present the following information:

Introduction to the case in its content area: For example, is this a case that deals with the insanity defense? Competency to stand trial? Tell us a little bit about this topic before telling us about the case; you should use between two and three sources to introduce the content area. Consider this a miniature lit review of the relevant content; if your paper is on the insanity defense, you will need to present some relevant background on this topic. This will form the introduction of your paper: Introduce the topic, then move into introducing your case (approximately two pages).
Background information: Summarize the case, using between two and three sources to gather information. This should be approximately three pages in length, a comprehensive overview of the case you are presenting that includes
the facts of the case,
the legal issue to be decided,
contentions from each party in the case,
the court’s decision, and
the reasoning behind that decision.
Implications for psychology and practice following the verdict: Why is this case considered a landmark case in forensic psychology? How did psychology play a role in this case? Did anything about the field of psychology or the way psychology is practiced change after the verdict was rendered? Will people think differently about this type of case in the future because of the way that this one in particular turned out? (one to two pages)
Role of the psychologist(s)/psychiatrist(s) in the case: Were psychologists or psychiatrists used as expert witnesses, or did their evaluations play a role in the defense or prosecution of the case? How were mental health professionals utilized in any aspect of this case? (one to two pages)

Appropriate sources include

magazine articles (from magazines like Time or Newsweek),
journal articles, and
newspaper articles (from publications like The New York Times or The Washington Post).